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Yet another that is not steet leagal here... Chris Ficcone has one legal in Texas though.




Semi OT...do you know Paul Petrun from the Pittsburg area? He is the person who gave me a ride once in a BEC seven and got me hooked.





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I only talked to Paul on the phone a couple of times, never met him but figured I would run into him someday autocrossing at North Park or Beaver Run. He was the one who convinced me to go BEC. My other option I had considered was an Ford 2.3 Esslinger-? motor. He built 2 Locost and as far as I know, his latest one is still for sale. Its an R1 powered autocrosser, its not street legal, though.




So including yours, when finished, there are 3 in the U.S.A. Talk about exclusivity.

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I know of a few more...but that would only bring the total to around seven. I am sure that there are more since not everyone is on the internet. If you still have it, would you mind PMing me Pauls contact info. The info I have for him is old and not working anymore.





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  • 1 month later...

The problem with owning a BEC is (and you already know this) is that we (BEC Owners)are just plain away ahead of the curve.


Let's face it in North America most people just don't get anything that doesn't have a piece of Detroit Iron up front, even less have even heard of a 7 and even less yet can wrap their collective noodles around the idea of a light car powered by a light yet powerful Bike engine (with a lightning quick shift).


Maybe they will get it when we blow their doors off!BusaLoco2007-02-09 20:33:29

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Show em the pictures of your impressive ride Peter!   ...    God it's great owning a Busa powered Deman SR7, isn't it? As you (and I) already know the "kit" for our cars was outstandingly well provisioned except for one item.   ...   Yes, it's true our cars NEVER came with a Rear View Mirror!   ...   When I had the opportunity to quiz Dan Mann (Mr. Deman) on why the SR7 did not come equipped with a rear view mirror Dan simply answered   ...   "When you drive a Deman SR7 you don't care who you have left behind!" http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/lol.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/rofl.gifBusaLoco2007-02-17 20:46:13

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  • 2 months later...

Greetings all,

I hope I am within a month of getting my Busa engined Fury on the road (similar to a Ginetta G4). Thats my current thinking but budgets and timeframes are made to be broken. It will not be finished (I doubt it will ever be finished, there will always be improvements, redesigns etc.), but I want to drive it, do some trackdays and make sure I am headed in the right direction. Bear in mind the last 10% takes 90% of the time!

On another matter, is anybody interested in a "Trickshifter". Perhaps we could put a bulk buy deal together. With the dollar on par with Charmin toilet paper it might be too expensive but it is worth a shot.

Also, I am a fan of lightweight cars and an interested in collecting designs of "modern sevens" (Atom, LCC Rocket etc.). I would love to get some photos, drawings.




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Hi Otto, I love those Furies. Did you get it from Galek? I wondered if they used AS1 safety glass in there full windshields, that's a sticky point in Pa.

I never heard of "Trickshifter" and I'm happy with my simple mechanicals but maybe others would be interested. Please throw up a pic would love to see it.

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I dig the Fury also...very cool cars and perfect for BEC.


I plan on doing either the trickshifter http://www.trickshifter.com/ or the flatshifter http://www.flatshifter.com/ on my seven at some point. I plan on doing the version with the autoblip downshift. Otherwise I can get a flat shift unit for upshift only in the US cheaper. I am not sure what the difference is between the trickshifter and the flatshifter but they look the same other than the label. A fellow from flatshifter signed on a while back to this forum.


If the exchange rate were any better I would already have one...if we could get a group buy with a little bit of a discount, that might help...

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Hello again,

Thanks for the positive words guys. I bought my Fury in the UK. It is a factory built brochure cover car with a Rover V8 and a live axle and a more agressive hood bulge to accomodate the Rover's induction system. It went like S*IT off a stick but had no legroom and it got real squirrelly under heavy braking due to weight transfer issues. (I am curious how the V8 Rotus guys deal with this, I think their wheelbase is a bit longer and they have the engine further back). I extended the footbox 11" and biased the engine to the left.

I have yet to choose a shifter but I like the idea of a system that I can use for both up and downshifts and blips the throttle on the down. The car is in primer now and I still have to fill holes in the body from the old side exit exhausts. I am hoping to have it painted in about 3 weeks. When I get it painted I will get some photos. I am out of town next week so I will not get to work on it, but will get back on it ASAP. I want to get it out on my local track, Summit Point, and make sure I am heading in the right direction. When I get the bugs out I would to take it to VIR. "R1 Seven", how often do they do trackdays down there?

I am looking for a Caterham high back seat if antbody knows of one.





Bethesda, MD.

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They have track days at VIR very often. When you get ready to come down, let me know and I can make sure you go with a good club. I will be at Summit Point in June with NASA.



When in June? Summit Point is an hour from me. I can ride up and meet you.

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Hi all,


Nice forum! First post here. Got triggered by Ottocycles remark about the LCC Rocket. I own one (R029) and if you need any info about the car, i invite you to visit www.lccrocket.com.


Best regards,


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Hi all,


Nice forum! First post here. Got triggered by Ottocycles remark about the LCC Rocket. I own one (R029) and if you need any info about the car, i invite you to visit www.lccrocket.com.


Best regards,



Koen, the car looks fantastic :thumbs:. The website seems hard to navigate though :(

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