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No. It's a nice thought, but given my current state of work, etc... not really worth the huge design and fabrication effort.


that's 4" wider than what I have.




Arya tells me the toyota 8" holds up fine on 500 horse buick GNX apps... maybe the 7.5" will be fine with my weak 440 horse on a light car http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gif




what are the best WIDE 15" R compound tires around? I found some wide ones, but all are drag tires.


Ben at Rocky Mountain Sports Cars told me that when he served an apprenticeship at Caterham in England, he was present when Caterham did a series of timed 0-100-0 runs in a Superlight 500 for a British magazine. He said that traction was such a problem that the car was tested with a passenger (him) and a full tank of gas, to try to get some weight down in the rear.




Tom Meacham


Just to revisit the 0 - 60 performance thing. Found the following info in a thread on the Atom forum. This data comes from a test done by Car and Driver magazine that is in the March issue.




Lap times


Z06 2:01.00


Exige S 2:04.30


911 GT3 2:01.50


Atom 1:58.30


Noble M400 2:00.40


Brock Coupe 2:02.70






Z06 3.6


Exige S 4.1


911 GT3 3.8


Atom 3.0


Noble M400 3.3


Brock Coupe 3.7






Z06 8.3


Exige S 11.1


911 GT3 8.7


Atom 7.5


Noble M400 7.8


Brock Coupe 8.4




1/4 mile


Z06 11.8 @ 122


Exige S 12.8 @ 107


911 GT3 12.0 @ 118


Atom 11.5 @ 117


Noble M400 11.7 @ 120


Brock Coupe 11.9 @ 119




Braking 70-0 FT


Z06 153


Exige S 154


911 GT3 145


Atom 148


Noble M400 157


Brock Coupe 153




300-FT Skid Pad


Z06 0.99


Exige S 1.00


911 GT3 1.05


Atom 1.08


Noble M400 1.02


Brock Coupe 1.12




Lane Change MPH


Z06 66.3


Exige S 75.8


911 GT3 70.9


Atom 70.8


Noble M400 74.4


Brock Coupe 72.4




Atom Noise Level


Idle 72db


Full throttle 118db


70-mph cruise 103db




I havent gotten the magazine so just cut and pasted this from the Atom forum (the poster there does have the mag). The Atom equaled or bettered every car here including the Z06. Shame they didnt include a Seven in the test since I think it comes closest to the Atom conceptually.


The Atom (as available in the USA) isn't so cheap, you know...and then there's the problem of registration/inspection/titling in some states. I know there is no way I'd be able to get one through NJ...based on what I had to do for the Se7en (mine is registered as a new car).


Yeah, it isnt all that cheap in Britain either, although the guys over there on that forum all seem to think its a screaming deal. Cost is what sent me looking at Sevens, which I figure have to be pretty close in performance.




Given the choice between a new Caterham or an Atom, I think I'd choose the Atom. Price seems pretty comparable. But compared to the Ultralite I've chosen, the Atom is close to twice the price. I doubt its got twice the performance. Still, I hope to see some real comparison between the two some day just to see how they stack up.




In California there are guys registering the Atom via SB100, though that probably isnt totally legit. Other states seem to be a piece of cake, some there is no way.


Well, this cold weather sucks, but I still went out for a ride today http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/thumbsup.gif




I finally found a quiet spot, and laid some rubber. Guess what... it's just an open diff! I was told it might be a TruTrac diff, but I have one long nice tire mark to prove it.




LSD or Quaife should help with the 0-60 times.




Question is... which would you go with?

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