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Office Mischief .. or great prank ideas!

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Office Mischief .. or great prank ideas!






http://www.usa7s.com/forum/uploads/temp/20070216_064159_keyboard2.jpgsolder_guy2007-02-16 06:42:58


One more http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/hurray.gif






Excellent.   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gif




Man, the keyboard in the desk is hard-core!   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/eek6.gif




Only real office prank I've ever been first-hand involved with was dismantling one of the walls of my cubical and erecting it across the entrance of a co-worker's.   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gif




One of my co-workers (different job) not long ago molded various of our office implements in Jello after being inspired by The Office.




Speaking of The Office (the US one) that is an excellent source of pranks.xflow72007-02-16 15:19:54


That is great. Just glad I do not have to clean up all the gost turds from that office or the cheaepet keyboard but I do like the aluminum foil office idea as I think it might help with the RF signal blocking but would also help conduct any stray electrical voltage.




Martin Keller


Ventura, Ca & Newberg, Or.


...but I do like the aluminum foil office idea as I think it might help with the RF signal blocking but would also help conduct any stray electrical voltage.QUOTE]




It also helps keep those pesky voices from the space aliens out of your head. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/wink5.gif


...but I do like the aluminum foil office idea as I think it might help with the RF signal blocking but would also help conduct any stray electrical voltage.QUOTE]




It also helps keep those pesky voices from the space aliens out of your head. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/wink5.gif




But maybe I enjoy them and get some good ideas from them also... Just maybe!!!




Martin Keller


Ventura, Ca. & Newberg, Or.

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