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newbie needs advice


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hi all i,m looking at a long term project build of seven kit or similar car as me cash doesn,t reach as far as buying a complete car will have to do it bit by bit any advice on where to start what to start with where to get it any books out there i should read on .30 years on the spanners want something for me now

rgds spike

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Start with the small items that you will need for the kit or build that you chose. By this I mean things that you can get and rebuild or purchase new and store for the time so that when you need them you will have them ready such as the gauges or a motor or trans or rear diff or front spindles or brakes and hand tools which you will never seem to have enough of them.

One thing to consider is the amount of space a project like building a car will be needed and for how long that space will be occupied as once you get started you will not want to be moving the objects or putting them back into storage so that the space can be used for other things.

Their are a number of different books that you will want to consult and read to help you with the how things work or how to rebuild some of the items that you will eventually want for your project. A good source for tech manuals would be your public library as they often have many different service manuals that you can read and photo copy the sections that you need for information that you need.

As you will find others will post up other sources and info when you ask for specific questions about how to do certain things or are looking for the part that you seem to not be able to locate.

Main thing you should remember is a project like building a car from a kit or from scratch is a learning process and takes about three times the time you figure it should take and about three times the money that you have initially figured on spending to complete the project and to have fun while doing it as it is not all that difficult to do it is just a lot of time and patients to see it to a finish.

Hope this helps.

Here is a link to photos of the build I did to give you some inspiration and ideas.




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"The" book seems to be "Build your own Sports Car on a budget," by Chris Gibbs. Another good book is Keith Tanner's "How to build a cheap sports car." Gibb's book is mostly focused on building the frame, while Tanner's is more what to do once you have a frame since he started with a kit frame.


There's also loads of good info, ideas, and helpful people over on the locostusa.com site.



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