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British CAr DAy - Exotics@RTC, WA

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Posted (edited)

UPDATE: Tomorrows gathering at Redmond Town Center is cancelled because of a 30% chance of rain. Some cars have never seen a puddle so they cancel at the chance of rain.

(http://www.exoticsatredmondtowncenter.com/, https://www.facebook.com/pages/ExoticsRTC/201202160220) are having a "British Car Day" this Saturday, June 16th in Redmond Town Center. Assuming the crappy Seattle weather breaks for warm sunshine as currently predicted. This is followed by a beer festival at nearby Marymoor park (http://www.washingtonbeer.com/wa-brewers-fest/).


Could be a fun day, so hopefully see a few folks there. I'll be bringing my Westfield.

Edited by miatacarpc

I'll be there with my Caterham jacket, my Caterham dreams, and even my Caterham receipts. In other words, everything but the Caterham CSR I ordered back in October. Hopefully the factory will get their $#!+ together and have the car here soon.


I'm in the process of putting the Westfield back together, but if it's running, then I'll be there.



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