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Need help with the single rail transmission gear shift.

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Does anyone have the single rail transmission found on the 1968 and later Cortina? I’m installing this type in my 1962 Lotus 7 S2 (I lost the original 3 rail and the extension, the reason for which is too lengthy to go into). It’s been years since I took the shifter out and can’t remember how it goes back together. Add to that, the plastic rotator ball has disintegrated. I’ve included a schematic, which shows it, but not apart. I’ve also included 2 pictures: 1 of the parts I have (which may include some not from that shifter???); one as I think it is assembled above the screw in cup. Top row right is the disintegrated rotator ball held together with masking tape. Bottom row left is a rotator ball from the 3 rail type which I may use as a guide for a machine shop to make a metal one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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I have a MKII Cortina manual at home and will look tonight to see if it contains rebuilding instructions (or an exploded view) of that shifter. Quaife builds a nice spherical bearing version of that shifter. I'm also running a single rail 4-speed in my Seven and am using the Quaife shifter.

I hope this helps,


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Have a Ford Cortina Integral Remote 4 spd transmission that was in a 69 TVR............ rebuilt by Abacus Racing of Virginia Beach, Va. for $1800. Semi close ratios: 2..97; 2.01; 1.39; 1.00


Any reasonable offer accepted. Shipping may be a problem. Bob 757 619-9393

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Hi Dave

Thanx for your response. I should have mentioned that I have the Haynes version of the Cortina MKII manual but on the single rail page it doesn't even show the shifter (page 100 if you have the same manual). If you have a different publisher for your manual, it may show it. Just went to the Quaife UK web site but could not find just the shifter. I've e-mailed them and will let you know their response. Watch this space!!!

Thanx again.

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Hi Ross/Bob

Thanx for your response. My box was rebuilt in 1994 and un-used since. The shifter is the only part I need. However, I'll keep this in mind (as long as yours' has a shifter). Shipping may not be a problem, but I'd have to check my contact first.

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I have a copy of the factory manual, but it had no additioanl information. If I had to guess, I'd put it together similarly to the 3 rail shifter. If Quaife doesn't have one in stock, the shifter can sometimes be found on eBay.



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Thanx Dave

Quaife e-mailed back but isn't familiar with this trany (must be some young guy at the Quaife end) I e-mailed him back with the pictures I posted above. The schematic I posted was from an after market catalogue circa 1992.


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The confusion might be that the 4 speed and 5 speed use different shifters. Quaife makes or made a shifter for the 5 speed. I think that tailshafts are different and therefore the shifter is also different.


The Quaife 5 speed shifter is a nice piece. It bolts on with three bolts.


Wayne in San Diego

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Here's the 4 speed version, with the large diameter center thread for mounting. There's a long version as well.


I have one of each and I'm in the process of determining the proper bend in the rod, so the shifter clears the dash board. I can email pictures if that will help.



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Thanx TheDingo8mybaby

Upside down is not a problem. I worked in printing for 27 years back when we used film, so I can read upside down and back to front no problem. I have this trany in my Elan Plus2 and have 2 of these shifters on the shelf at the shop. (had 2, I removed the ball from one and it’s in the top picture) Unfortunately, the 2 types are different.


I heard back from Quaife today and here’s what they said:

“I’m afraid we do not make replacement shifters for that gearbox. If you could find a Quaife part number off the USA7s forum I could check our old stock however, it is highly unlikely that we stock them anymore.” I’ll e-mail them this link and see if they have it. You say there are 2 lengths, and this is the short one? The threads are the right size for the trany? If you could e-mail me pictures that would be greatly appreciated. E-mail is: seven_plus2@rogers.com


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