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This may not suit your needs, but when my Caterham light broke, I found an LED light on eBay that mounts to the top two license plate bolts. I'm hoping that since it won't "stick out" so far, that I won't have it broken!




Not sure exactly what light you have on your car, but I think they used the typical Lucas L467 light that was used on MGA's, TR3's, Cobras, and many other early British sports cars. If it is that light, you can get them in either genuine Lucas or reproduction varieties. Most of them are chrome but I believe you can get them in black finish as well.


Here's a repro version: [/url]http://www.finishlineaccessories.com/body-parts/lucas-lights-headlight-brake-indicator/Lucas-467-license-plate-light?sort=rating&order=DESC


Moss has the Lucas and repro here: http://www.mossmotors.com/Shop/ViewProducts.aspx?PlateIndexID=29259

11Budlite, thanks for the part#. I was able to find it on ebay $15.73 from UK shipped to Alaska.


Glad I could help. :)

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