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2005 USA2005 tour photos

~55 se7ens from the UK, US, and Dubai converged on the US in 2005 for a 4000 mile tour across the Western US. Here is just a sampling of the Vail to San Francisco leg.

  • Album created by JohnCh
  • Updated
  • 40 images
  • 4 album comments
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4 Album Comments



Great shots. What are the odds of another one ever happening?


Maybe not even UK members but with US members?



@VovchandrAll it takes are a few people willing to invest the time necessary to handle the myriad of logistics and a sufficient number of people with se7ens who are willing to commit the time and money to attend; both of which are easier said than done.  Speaking from experience, odds and planning difficulty are inversely proportional to the number of cars committing.  Biggest tour I planned spanned 5 nights and 4 driving days with 9 cars committing and 2 dropping out at the last minute.  I can't imagine the effort required for anything bigger.  Something at the USA2005 scale is off the charts difficult.  



On 2/6/2022 at 5:59 PM, Vovchandr said:

Great shots. What are the odds of another one ever happening?


Why don't you organize one Vlad?  How hard could it be?



@Vovchandrwould do a great job!  Here is the route book from the 4-day tour I mentioned above to get you started. It was based on the USA2005 route book and will give you an idea of things to think through during the planning process.



NorCal 2008 Route Book - 0830 no euii.pdf

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