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  • Location
    Central NJ
  • Interests
    Cars, helicopter, exercise
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  1. Not sure where you're located, but in upstate NY these guys do outstanding work for a reasonable price. http://www.berg-racing.com
  2. I used Bear Transport to get my Birkin from the State of Washington to NJ. Arrived safe and Clean for under $2K
  3. I recently purchased new ball joints from Dick at Texas Motorworks. The pair, including the threaded adjusters cost about $50 and came in a few days. Much simpler than finding a "comparable" part.
  4. Gherkin, This looks awsome! I have the same engine/sump on my Birkin. Do you think your friend would want to make another one? I have the stock aluminum guard, but it seems fragile. Paul
  5. On YouTube:
  6. I used Bears Transport to get my Birkin from WA to NJ. They were quick, professional and offered one of the better prices. 847-810-7641.
  7. UPS will also hit you for duty. Often in a bill that comes later. Not a high percentage, but enough you notice if you're getting big ticket items.
  8. Thanks, Tom. That's only about 90 minutes from here, so is do-able. I'll give them a call. Yep, 7 gatherings at NJMP are in the plans......
  9. So, I want to replace the stock bar on my '03 Birkin with something more protective for track days (a roll cage). I see a couple of options: Buy the cage sold by Texas Motor Works, or find a local shop to fabricate one. The one from TMW has the advantage of being bolt in (and can be swapped out for stock easily) but is a bit pricey, especially with shipping to central NJ. A custom bar needs be designed and I need to find a shop nearby that is competent in both design and safe fabrication (and could also get pricey). Comments, advice, random thoughts?
  10. Can't find the photos?????
  11. Croc, thanks, I posted there per your suggestion. Pi7ot, I assume I just check the resistance cold and hot? Are there some standard numbers I should be looking for, or are they specific to the sending unit? Thanks
  12. Anyone have any experience with a Zetec 2.0 and a GEMS ECU. The car I just bought has this setup, but is way out of whack. It runs, but is so rich it burns my eyes. I have the gear to tweak the ECU, but wondered if anyone has a decent map I can start with. I'd rather not have to build one from scratch. Thanks
  13. I couldn't get a cheap switch from O'Reillys as mine has a steering column lock. So I took the lock off and went back to the locksmith. The blank for the ignition is from an old Datsun (Ilco DA25-P) and the gas cap is from an older Honda (Ilco X252 HD108)
  14. Anyone know what key blanks a Birkin built in 2003 would use? I want to make a second ignition and gas cap key but Dick Brink is out of blanks and the local locksmith is stumped. Thanks
  15. FYI- I just bought this car..........the adventure begins.....
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