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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. Let me finish my domestic duties for the evening and I'll head out to the garage and snap a couple of pics. Thanks guys, Oscar
  2. Yup cranks fine just won't start and the coil gets incredibly hot in the process.
  3. The car has two new Webers that have had the floats set properly, in theory. The car has run recently but sounds like it was only on two cylinders and was promptly turned off after we noticed the coil getting extremely hot. I haven't checked the timing. visually the distributor looks fine. As of it getting off the car hauler in NYC the car is no longer sparking as the truck driver tried some quick start and it looked like no ignition had taken place. We pushed it off and its now sitting in the garage in Flushing Queens. This weekend I'll try anything and everything that is suggested so keep the possible fault/ fixes coming. Thanks Oscar
  4. Looking for someone to finally diagnose my running issues. Webers were pulled apart and had a few internal failures so I replaced the pair thinking I can sell the warn out webers on ebay as rebuildable. New ignition module box thing and plugs. I suspect that its timing or the distributor at this point but I'm throwing up the white flag. Any trusted recommended mechanics in the NYC area? thanks Oscar
  5. So no pictures or links to post?
  6. Whats your budget?
  7. I'm looking for a new car related puzzle, since I'm going to have to fab up a bracket and get the offset for the calipers just right and the proper offset hats for the new two piece rotors. I like to call it creative problem causing.
  8. Sweet, I'm getting ready to repurpose an old pair of Wilwood dynamite 4 pot calipers for my Seven I'm hoping I can squeeze a 12.18 rotor and caliper in a 15" wheel. Unlikely but still going to try!
  9. Have any pics of the wheels and rotors? 15" rotors on an 18" wheel must be a snug fit. I have run 14s inside 18 and thought that was pushing it. Have to love the slant nose.
  10. Haha, understood Loren I'll drop you a line in a few. Thanks Oscar
  11. Hello I need a pair of front fenders to cover 205/50R15 tires on 15x8 wheels. I sent an email to WCM ultralite about front fenders but I never heard back from them. I found a set on ebay but I think the seller is trying to stick me with a GBP 95 shipping fee and that seems outrageous. Thanks Oscar http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v74/Ahhsk/Super%207/IMG_7460_zps0d0493b4.jpg
  12. Oscar

    Oscar's 7

    They are 15x8 4x100mm. I have 1" adapters I would of liked thinner but that was the thinnest I could get.
  13. Oscar

    Oscar's 7

    Out of the garage to get a tow to the shop, turns out bad ignition module. Bungie cords are only to hold the hood during the tow. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v74/Ahhsk/Super%207/IMG_7460_zps0d0493b4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v74/Ahhsk/IMG_2965_zpsbfb4e373.jpg
  14. $56,000 for an FR-S/ BR-Z no way.
  15. http://www.keepcalmandcarryon.com/history/ so in keeping with tradition the only one that fits is Keep calm and blat on. Keep calm and se7en on would work too.
  16. http://www.autoscout24.eu/ListGN.aspx?atype=C&mmvmk0=16335&mmvco=1&make=16335&pricefrom=1000&ustate=N%2CU Have at it. As long as its 25 years or older it's a pretty easy import. I have a connection if you purchase one from the Netherlands FYI. Import laws are pretty much the same as they have been but enforcement has changed quite a bit in just the last year. I'd shop in the US first.
  17. I'll call second dibs on the seats if skinny G passes on them
  18. that doesn't look great. Anyone remember project split wheel? that had better looking concepts I think.
  19. That's the one! I wasn't too far off, great car.
  20. I hope not. I was wanting a half hood after I get my roll bar installed. Any alternatives?
  21. What about toque specs and is indexing a must do or optional?
  22. Timax your pics are awesome. I have your tumblr saved as a favorite.
  23. I like the idea of a 10k RPM 4AGE engine in a Caterham, or a nissan CA18DET. But i think I like those engines because I am nostalgic of my "tuner" days. I don't think I would want the headache associated with ordering repair parts from Japan. My stress free engine set up would be an engine that had parts readily available at the local dealer and modern engineering for trouble free operation and performance. if you google 4AGE seven you should find a pretty blue car from NZ, it might even link back to this site (I cant remember).
  24. Oscar

    Oscar's 7

    Thanks! I've been back since may. I have been doing a lot more wrenching than driving but its still enjoyable. Hopefully everything will be drivable in the next couple of weeks.
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