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  1. Seb, this is great news. You’ve gone mental, which seems to be the natural progression of well driven Se7ens drivers;)
  2. Fantastic news! Fingers crossed and many thanks for scheduling!!!
  3. Oh sh*t! Meant to write “her,” not “Uber,” but your idea is excellent. I imagine she’ll be thrilled to hear it.
  4. Yes, Paula is planning to attend, but I’ll likely wait until last minute to sign Uber up as a non driver.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5bmYD1KZ2C/?igsh=MXE3ZjBzdzBlZGR1Yw== https://www.facebook.com/share/aYaHU1KYEPCA7kDg/?mibextid=WC7FNe A few of us are planning to get a critical mass of Se7ens to show up at the Rye Brook Cars and Coffee. Should be fun!
  6. Simplify and add lightness, please.
  7. Check the Factory Five forums (maybe archived material) for those numbers. In 2017/18, they were there, if memory serves.
  8. Mine was built from new, so in NYS, the custom home built vehicle was what was recommended to me and worked out fine. Really not too much fuss. That said, if the vehicle has a title, registration, etc from another state, I’d be inclined to try registering it as a “regular” car, though Vlad’s point about OBDII could pose problems. I’m not familiar with those issues because the custom home builts are exempt.
  9. I am in Westchester County. SV with lowered floors. Plenty of room in the pedal box, so no need for skinny racing boots. You’re welcome to come by to try the fit.
  10. As of this writing, the weather forecast predicts that Mother Nature intends to rain on our parade this Saturday.
  11. In light of the unfortunate cancellation of our annual Se7ens event, I am aiming to run with the SCDA at Lime Rock, weather permitting, next Saturday, Oct 21, 1pm to 5pm. Would enjoy seeing and driving with some other Se7ens, for those of you close enough and so inclined. It’s no substitute for the annual event, but it’s a beautiful track and lots of fun.
  12. So happy for you, Vlad. Look forward to seeing you next weekend.
  13. Definitely not a Se7en, but if you want a motorcycle engined, purpose built race car, I witnessed one of these running well at Thompson Speedway in CT this weekend: https://rushautoworks.com/car_post/rush-sr/
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