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  • Biography
    Came from the UK in 2002 and now live in CT
  • Location
    Groton, CT
  • Interests
    Too many that involve spending money
  • Occupation
    messing with computers
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  1. Hi Greg, all standard 360S apart from the mods mentioned in the listing. So still wet sump, and standard suspension. I am out of state probably be back on Sunday. Will PM you my cell number so u can call to chat. cheers pickles
  2. Shot a PM back :-)
  3. Apologies! Had to change from youtube to dropbox for the video due to space issues. See above Cheers Pickles
  4. Hi Have uploaded a video and extra photos https://www.dropbox.com/t/YaiKzgUCvQh5D9ZL https://flic.kr/ps/3ssWFx thanks Pickles
  5. Will try and do a video and post link tomorrow and am working on a price thanks Pickles
  6. Hi David Apologies have been away for the weekend will send you a PM Thanks Pickles
  7. I believe the color is the same as McLaren Orange...also very similar to the orange paint used on the interstate within construction zones ... I always joke that when I picked the color, in the back of my mind, when I get runover by an 18-wheeler on the interstate, my squashed demise will just blend in with other marks on the road
  8. Hi Here's the link to the specific kit Engine Upgrade Kit - R300 - 175bhp to 220bhp (caterhamparts.co.uk) Cheers Pickles
  9. Hi Sadly I have to say goodbye to by 2018 Caterham 360S. My ‘stable’, according to my wife is only big enough for 1 toy. I have no idea what she is talking about but apparently, I must make attempts to placate! Double stacking is not an option! I purchased this kit in 2017/2018 through Bruce at Beachman Racing and have added a few extras … I think Bruce describes it as a 360+. I will post more photos etc, this initial post is just to start the ball rolling, again to placate my better half and show her I am making progress In the interim please free to PM me. Caterham 360+ (youtube.com)https://flic.kr/ps/3ssWFx Caterham 360S … circa 4K miles Caterham Duratec Engine Upgrade Kit (New cams and Roller Barrels) SV Chassis (I am not on the slim side!) Ballistic Orange (The wife describes it as my orange coffin!) Full Weather Kit 14" Classic Alloy wheels -185/60 tires Leather Seats Heater Carbon Dash Asking $41K Car Cover A Few extra Carbon bits of trim Caterham LED rear light kit. Titled/Registered in CT as a composite. Thanks Pickles
  10. Hi I have a set of lights ... wipe of the dust, pick up the shipping and they're yours Pickles
  11. Hi Clearing some space From 2018 Caterham 360 - 1800 mls Feel free to make an offer Air Plenum and filter/Original Air box Exhaust Heat shield (2) Rear light set Original Camshafts Belt Spring Pulley 4-1 Cat
  12. Hi Am sat at my desk looking at 8 big heads, if someone wants them please pm me. Free to a good 'Seven' Home Cheers Pickles
  13. Hi Anybody even tempted by this IMHO should pull the trigger…thisis a great price…these go together like Lego so even for the technically challenged you will have a ball building it (I did!!) Hey if you live anywhere near CT I will come and help. I bought a 360 from Bruce a couple of years ago and it was ajoy to put together…I would do it again but “her in doors” has put the brakes on until I sell a few other toys. Long and short of it…if a little voice in the back of your brain is saying “Should I do this?” Just go for it!! And for the record … I am not associated with Beachman Racing other than a satisfied customer J Pickles
  14. Hi Bruce I can probably answer this question myself but thought I would ask anyways, what's the chance in that pile of new parts you have an upgrade kit for a Duratec to Roller Barrels/High lift cams. (Caterham Part EGR300STG2K) Thanks Paddy
  15. Hi These are my standard caterham ones Pretty sure the mirrors (30P183A) & stalks (MR06K) are available on the Caterham UK parts website http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=14619&stc=1 Pickles
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