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Mark IV

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  • Biography
    I was born and have not yet died so still filling in the middle part!
  • Location
    Western New York, USA
  • Interests
    Automotive, travel, reading, grandkids
  • Occupation
    Time Machines Motorsports LLC- Caterham and Superformance dealer.
  • Se7en

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  1. I can likely verify with people who worked with/for Shelby, that Caterham was never in any plans by Shelby. Makes a good story but odds are 99% that it just that, a story.
  2. Sold. Now installed on a new 420S from Time Machines.
  3. I have a complete windscreen assembly for S3 chassis. Black frame, black left and right stanchions and heated glass. New in box from Caterham. This is almost $1200.00 from Caterham, before shipping! $800.00 plus shipping from Western New York via UPS. rick@autoventuteusa.net or 716.812.3938
      • 1
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  4. New Caterham CSR Twenty.....only twenty to be available in the US: Pure. Simple. Fun. | Caterham Get your order in with Greg at Time Machines Motorsports now. greg@timemachinesmotorsports.com. With the new Dartford X factory, build times have come way down, these will be built in Spring '25. Email or call him at 716.407.0975 CSR Twenty Brochure_1585x1080px_USA.pdf
  5. Sent a new switch from my inventory, you will have it Tuesday AM.
  6. Did you get your wiper switch? If not, I may have one you can use.
  7. Here is the basics: TagTitleToolbox_OH.pdf
  8. I also have front alloy hub/bearing/seal sets, both small bearing (Spitfire) and large bearing (GT6). S3 full windscreen/frame and wiper set up. SV leather seat and track and lots more. email for more info and pricing. Ask if I have what you need, I might!
  9. How is this car not sold?
  10. Saw your car at Greg's last week, looked amazing. Some items I can help with since Greg took over from me: We have the factory supplied "Banner" battery deleted as we have had a poor lifespan history with them. Greg will ship a replacement battery tray assembly (he likely forgot to include the tray and battery) as we use an AGM battery with more cranking power that is readily available from Interstate Battery. I will make sure he gets you handled this week. Yes, the "IVA Trim" is not required in the US. The rubber edging for the front wings is a pain to install and they look better without it. Let Greg know any shortages with the assembly manual page number and part number. Usually there is a box marked "shortages" that contains items missing on the first packing, but occasionally there are missing pieces. Believe me, the current system works MUCH better than the previous system so greatly reduced items shortages. Attached is a letter I used that outlines some shortcuts, hacks and other build helps. I see you have already embraced the "pool noodle" concept. A really cheap way to protect the car. Greg can help with build details and if he doesn't know, Henry his father will as he did numerous Seven builds for our customers as a third-party installer. And the "bumpers" are my design do meet New York requirements. TMMLLC Cat letter to purchaser.docx
  11. I forwarded this to Greg and he will contact you. You called 716.407.0975?
  12. I often have to restrain myself from posting "we have a nice one for sale" on someone else's thread. It is just bad form I remind myself.
  13. We have this incredible Seven for sale: 2013 Caterham Super 7 CSR260 Chaffee, New York - Hemmings
  14. 2013 Caterham 260 CSR: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hemmings.com%2Fclassifieds%2Flisting%2F2013-caterham-super-7-2801040%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3A7E-57Bynt714O1hCdXapzhMD95WHoIT8ZOpxSzuifvx3ohPVNgIJufs_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw&h=AT19HFftdqFMYBx1FyYaqRQtEWft8yq1bJ0s8NxjZfAGgU2v1ZFE6dzYw-RhNXec6zX_vuuUezR-mqBcl0XMX6ng6-3VP6kSdGmcHzvImxjV0NidAFPILAjT53pr5BT-3pbssmdDO5slSj8Kg8nm&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0oPtAwhCdgyaZxa2LUHLwgxp6_jFE7ViQT6rwUBQPE-tGBzmtA8Uu-Gx8B9f87-zhJBYxNxL5QL-YrSfVQcsdQWf_13lCvaCzy0zkxAI_lNv304a4TybSyp7plmIe8hKhc6mK31Bor8omYPF5wIa3nluuhDXlrduPJ-wha1eT6nkMH7TbLQVDbplAYvkHhiEFIu_jYc_6ox-_PlRHtFwkvLbN-3JZ-j2OsGUJXNjPz4bWxcYgpDg
  15. John, We are almost giving away Cat parts and yet, crickets?
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