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  • Location
    Stafford, VA
  • Interests
    vehicle restorations,
  • Occupation
    Infantry Weapons Engineer
  1. Hi Geran, I'm not to far away from you--live here in Stafford, VA. I have a restored 1982 Caterham with a Super Sprint Xflow that you can come and look at at any time. Car is not for sale, but can give you a lot of lessons learned, feedback, ride and drive, etc. You should also try to contact Bob Drye--he's in Springfield and take a look at his car--i think the supercharger is bigger than the engine!!!! In the Northern VA area, there are a few of us that make a great support group.
  2. I have a used scuttle and firewall if you are interested. Where are you located?
  3. Does anyone have a set of good used Primary Pipes(header) for a 1700 Xflow. Caterham number CSP028S or CSP130. I have a RH drive car so prefer the CSP028S. Thanks
  4. fnmag58

    1982 Series III

    The restoration
  5. Dean,

    Where are you located in VA?

  6. we need to do this again real soon--somebody want to start guessing at a date and location?
  7. Hi Ian, If there is still one available, I'd like one. I have a FedEx account number that i can send you. Thanks, Sal
  8. well i took my wife for a quick ride the other day--it was just above 40--she agreed that it was "refreshing" and held her hands above the exhaust system at the intersections. She also concluded that i was "nuts"--whatever that means!! So next time, I'll wait until its 45!!
  9. i built one of these a few years back and i did so for a specific reason. My car came mostly disassembled and all the parts were just loaded into boxes. As i built the model, i sorted the parts boxes and got them organized. Really helped a lot when i started to reassemble the car. No I am not joking--the model really did help a lot.
  10. Does anyone have a Xflow header -- not worried about the condition--that i could borrow or rent for a couple of weeks? My 1700 is about finished and will be tuning it on the dyno before i install in the car. I will pay all shipping charges both ways and will take responsibility for it if anything happens. Thanks very much. Sal :7fume:
  11. LOL--you guys always make me laugh--yes i did use high-temp grease and it didnt come out of a Loctite tube!! I'm thinking i should plug the vent hole at the bottom of the tranny near the inspection cover and fill it with oil--go for the wet-clutch version. What do you think? Should be one "smokin'" hot clutch!! With the unusually warm weather around here, I'll try a few more trips and see what happens.
  12. Interesting points. I always start it with the tranny in neutral now and check to see if it will go into gear. If not, I use the third gear method. Throw out bearing is new and lubed both the arm and bearing guiding surface. It is a standard Ford type replacement--nothing hi-perf at this point. I also did use a clutch alignment tool. I dont think i bent the center of the disk but this has got me thinking of something to look at if i have to remove the engine and tranny. What's puzzeling about this is that the first shake-down runs, before the radiator went bad, were fine--nothing at all for weeks. Then this started after it sat for about 6 weeks. I'm just hoping that a few more trips, shifting, and 1st gear starts might just work the kinks out. I've only ever seen this once on--was on a British car--and after about a week of driving it stopped completely. If I do have to remove the engine/tranny, a better hi-perf after-market will go in.
  13. Need some help on this one. I have a situation where if my car sits for more than a day, the clutch disk sticks to the flywheel. When you depress the clutch pedal and bumping the key, you're not quite sure what to expect--I've learned to make sure there's nothing behind it. The cure has always been to put the tranny in 3rd and bump the key one more time--this frees it every time. The clutch disk, pressure plate, TO bearing, and pilot bearing are all new. The flywheel has been reground. No rust, etc when i put it together and i did lightly grease the tranny input shaft before assembly. Due to radiator problems, i have only driven the car about 20 mile this year but now that I've got that fixed, this has shown up. Once it's free, no problems the rest of the day, no grinding during shifts. Any ideas? Car is a 1982 S3 with the Xflow with the 4 spd sport box tranny. Thanks.
  14. Need some help on this one. I have a situation where if my car sits for more than a day, the clutch disk sticks to the flywheel. When you depress the clutch pedal and bumping the key, you're not quite sure what to expect--I've learned to make sure there's nothing behind it. The cure has always been to put the tranny in 3rd and bump the key one more time--this frees it every time. The clutch disk, pressure plate, TO bearing, and pilot bearing are all new. The flywheel has been reground. No rust, etc when i put it together and i did lightly grease the tranny input shaft before assembly. Due to radiator problems, i have only driven the car about 20 mile this year but now that I've got that fixed, this has shown up. Once it's free, no problems the rest of the day, no grinding during shifts. Any ideas? Car is a 1982 S3 with the Xflow with the 4 spd sport box tranny. Thanks.
  15. I just ask for parts for a 1972 Pinto 1.6L. Generally just about anything is available, my biggest problem was finding an oil pump. A lot of on-line stores, like Rock Auto have a lot of engine parts--nothing high peformance--just the basics. There's always Dave Bean and BAT--top shelf parts at both locations.
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