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Everything posted by fnmag58

  1. Steve and Jim, Thanks for checking into this for me. After reading both the blatchat and the letter, I looked all over the frame again and I still didn't find anything. Guess I got some bad intel. The frame heads to the PC facility tomorrow. Best regards,
  2. Jim, Thanks for the info--I've looked all over it and don't see anything. I plan on checking it again after it been blasted and cleaned. If there is one, I'd like to photograph it for documentation and historical purposes. The help is always appreciated--Sal
  3. I've been told that my '82 has a serial number stamped on the steel frame. I've looked all over for it and haven't been able to find it. The registration and title show the number on the data tag(CS3 4157 MKRM) that's riveted on the plate under the master cylinder. Is there another one? Should it be the same? There doesn't seem to be any others. Thanks
  4. Update, The side and rear panels are off!! http://www.usa7s.com/forum/smileys/thumbsup.gifRemoved them with out to much trouble. I decided to make a small cut on the side panels near the top of the rear strut mount. With a little bit of help from a long thin stainless steel paint edger, I bent the bottom lip down slightly and the panels lifted up, forward and outward. Of course, I had to gently cut thru the RTV as I went along. The rear took a lot more time--it came off in one piece and is still usable. The details of how to remove it would take to much space here. Look at it this way, the side panels took about an hour apiece--the rear took almost 3. Thanks to all for your words of wisdom. Patience is the key to this process. Now it's off to the powder coaters for the frame. Panels(after I carefuly inspect and decide if they can be salvaged) will be later next month.
  5. Jim, You're correct--the DIY stuff is not what I want to do--just a thick paint that does not give me the protection, etc that i'm looking for. http://www.usa7s.com/forum/smileys/icon_bs.gifAs for the Franchise question, you are also correct--the local store would barely give me the correct time of day. I'm going to check with the Speedliner folks and see what happens. It off to remove the remaining panels--wish me luck.http://www.usa7s.com/forum/smileys/smash.gif
  6. Locostv8, Thanks for the tip--I never thought about the panel drum issue. There is a LineX dealer about 5 miles from the my shop. Inspection shows that I don't have much disimilar metal corrosion and I want to be sure I nix it for good. I've been tossing around various methods to take care of it going beyond the "thick coat" of RTV and I like the LineX idea. I've noticed that you can buy a similar product at the local parts store--not sure if it is the same--but I'll investigate. Talked with my friend the powder coater today(Fredericksburg Power Coating). He plans to double coat the color and cover with clear to give me more protection against corrosion. I've decided to go with high gloss black on the frame. He specializes in race car frames and is well known down here--does a lot of work for the folks in Richmond. Ok--I'll stop advertising now!!
  7. slngsht, More than happy to have you stop by anytime--it's always appreciated to have another set of eyes take a look and provide the sanity check. I'll show you all the parts I have and we can talk about the plan to put it all back together. I've got to get her done for the 07-07-07 party--heck I've booked the room so I've got to go right? Thanks
  8. So I'm up to about 300 removed rivets and the panels are starting to come off. Im down to removing the side and rear panels. I took the smaller parts to my favorite powder coater and after a careful cleaning we coated them with "Super Chrome" --they come out looking like polished aluminum. For the bigger panels, he's going to build a rack to hold them in the correct orientation when they hang in the booth. The exhaust system has been coated also with high-temp flat wrinkle black. So I'm moving forward at a controlled pace with the goal of her being on the road by early spring.
  9. Steve, I just tried a few more--"XFLOW 7" is available in VA--it fits my car but I can't reserve it since I haven't titled it yet. And I think it would look funny on my WRX!! So who in VA has "SE7EN" ???? R U a member of this forum? Speak up--we need to know!!! The "inquiry minds want to know" thing!!
  10. I've been thinking about "Room 4 2" but it's already been taken. Interestingly enough, most of the Lotus 7 name plates have been taken--now I'd like to find out were all the cars are!! Anyone have ideas on eye catching plates? Sal
  11. Mike, To date, I've removed about 75 rivets--I started this project to late to have it done by the end of this summer. I see what appears to be welded seams and came to the conclusion that removing the skin was going to be very tricky. I've looked at the rear section and I agree with you--going to be a bear. Where would I buy replacement sections as I've never seen them listed for sale. Thanks for your words of wisdom!!
  12. Arya, Sounds reasonable--what i noticed last night(37 rivets removed to date) is that the skin has a layer of white RTV under it wherever it touches the frame. Looks like it was placed there for the reasons you mentioned. Also placed between the aluminum joints--looks like it's there to form a type of watertight bond.
  13. Hello group, I've completely stripped all the parts of off the frame of my 1982 S3 and am now wondering how to remove the aluminum skin from the tubular frame. Besides removing whats looks like 500 rivetshttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smiley1.gif, is there anything in particular I need to know? It looks like the skin is one very large piece that starts at one front corner, wraps around the back and then up to the opposite corner. The plan is to strip the old paint off the frame and powdercoat it gloss black. The skin will be cleaned and then riveted back in place. I've already located the correct rivets and have acquired the inserts to hold the skin in place while its being reriveted. Thanks
  14. rim width is 5.5" with a diamter of 13". My plan is to have 2 sets of rims and tires for the vehicle--and I'd like to have one set the original size. The other will be a set of minilites or panasports in 13x7. Sal
  15. Hey gang, Can anyone tell me what the factory stock tire size would be a for a 1982 Caterham S3? I have the original steel rims (no tires on them) and would like to put factory stock size tires back on the rims. Thanks for the help--Sal
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