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Everything posted by fnmag58

  1. Hi Southwind25, I've read just about every piece of literature known regarding the XFLOW. I am currently building a 1700 Super sprint version that, if all goes well, should give me somewhere in the 150 HP range. I am using a 711M block that i bought a short time ago. I am refreshing the original engine and tucking it away--its the original engine that came with the car and I believe it's worth more in an unmolested stage. The suggestions so far on material are correct--Ken at Dave Bean has been a wealth of knowledge, Pegasus has some really cool items, and dont forget that this is a version of the Pinto engine and there are many lower cost parts that will work just fine. Be sure to read the FF1600 bible--written by Jake Lamont and Tom Andresen--well worth the few bucks. I would also purchase the English Racers parts book from Dave Bean--the best $4 you will ever spend. The aluminum head has been showing up on e-bay for around 850 but it still need to be assembled etc. The only reason I have one is because it came with my car--the owner never installed it. Please feel free to contact me should you have any specific questions-- i will help anyway I can. BTW: I started down the path to install the 2.0, even bought an engine--but reverted back to the 1.6. The 2.0 is taking up room in the shop so i will probably list it for sale shortly. Happy Holidays, Sal :flag:
  2. Hi Bob, Thanks for the info--my car is a 1982 production Caterham but it does not have the threaded bosses you mentioned. So is there any other way or am i stuck with the original attachment method and use the 3 point system. Thanks!!
  3. I have a question regarding seat belts. I have a 1982 that came from the factory with standard seat belts(lap belt and one diagonal shoulder belt). I have a 4 point harness set-up for the car and was wondering what the proper method is securing these to the frame--mostly for the top of the shoulder harness to the center of the car. Any thoughts? Thanks--Sal
  4. Lowflyer, Thanks for the input. The Webers for my car have been sitting for over 5 years and really need a complete rebuild. The needle/seats were stuck closed when I disassembled them. I agree with the fuel starvation issue. I'm just going to order the correct ones and not worry about it. Thanks again, Sal
  5. I recently purchased two Weber rebuilding kits and they came with the 1.50 mm diameter needle and seats. During the disassembly, I discovered that mine have the 1.75mm set up. I don't see much of a difference besides the hole diameter in the brass seat. Does it really make a difference for a 1.6 L crossflow? Will the smaller hole allow sufficient fuel flow? Can I just take a drill bit and drill them out to the 1.75mm diameter? The company that I bought them from won't take them back since I opened the packages--of course, you couldn't tell what size they were since they were in a tiny plastic tube. Thanks for the help.
  6. Count me in--I can link up with the group at the I-64/I-81 interchange or, since I'll be driving thru Charlottesville, I can meet everyone at GT Classics.
  7. Does anyone have a HALFSHAFT DRIVE FLANGE for an Ital Marina Live Axle? Caterham part number DAM3675--they are out of stock and I need one to finish my rebuild. I'll take a set if available. Please help!!! Sal Fanelli
  8. Let’s see—I was working for the local Datsun dealership when my Dad said he would send me to college. Thought it was a waste of money but decided to try it anyway. Graduated with a degree in both mechanical and industrial engineering--spent a lot of time thanking my father for his wisdom. Most of my classes were automotive and aerospace related. Currently working for the Marine Corps in the area of Infantry Weapons. Had the car bug since high school and upon graduation(1978) bought a 1966 Shelby Mustang that needed a lot of attention. Spent about two years on it and kept it for 10. I was restoring a “Mustang” when the rest of my friends were building Corvettes—they said I was wasting my money—little did they know what the Mustang market would do. I’ve completed restorations on a variety of cars to include Porsche(2), Triumph(2), Military Jeeps(3), and Camaro(2). Besides the Seven, I'm currently working on my wifes' horse cart(got to keep her happy)!! While I was finishing a Triumph Spitfire a friend of mine recommended that I look at a Seven. My first response was “ What’s a Seven?” A few months later, a retired USMC Colonel mentioned to me that he had one and was starting to restore it. I followed that car for 5 years before he offered to sell it to me. I bought the car in the spring of 2003 and brought it home. Decided not to start on it right away as I need to finish the restoration on the latest Jeep project. Great plan until a crazed 17 year old driving a BMW ran over me while I was trying to help victims of a car accident. Lost a full year but spent the time researching the car, parts, etc. Probably the most amazing thing it that I have traced the car all the way back to it’s beginnings when the Colonel mentioned above, wrote to Caterham when he was a newly promoted captain as an embassy guard. I have all the correspondence from that day. Really neat to see how it all came about. He had it shipped to the US in two pieces into two different entry ports—and now I know why. The car is coming along nicely and should be ready with time to spare for 7-7-7. There are a few folks on this board who have helped me a lot and got me going in the right direction. Thanks to all of them. Most of the cars mentioned above were sold so I could buy something else. This is not the case with the Seven—it will be part of the family for a long time and I plan on giving it to my daughter when I know she can handle it. My daily driver is a Subi WRX STi and occasionally the 1952 M38 Jeep(originally delivered to the Army but “liberated” by the USMC at some point in its life). Looking forward to meeting everyone at next years event. Sal
  9. For me, I find something to do on it almost every day--even if it's only 5 minutes worth. It makes you feel like your accomplishing something. In the end, it's all those 5 minute jobs that cause you the most heartburn and this way they get done. Sal
  10. Well I've managed to install the dash panel and the two shock tower covers. So far it going great. Not a great picture but at least I'm making progress.http://www.usa7s.com/forum/uploads/20061025_155233_dash_view.jpg
  11. Is there an "official color" for the block on a Xflow? My engine was hot tanked before I bought it with no indications as to what it ever was. My guess is basic semi-gloss black but would appreciate any help. The transmission is a battleship grey color that I've matched. Thanks
  12. Drilling a bigger hole in the frame to clean it out and then welding it closed was not an option in my mind. Filling the tubes with the spray-in foam seemed better--I think it will also help with any internal corrosion. Sal
  13. I slowly drilled the rivets in three stages in an attempt to remove as much of the material as possible. But in the end, you do end up with part of the rivets falling inside the frame. I shook the frame and a few more pieces came out but you can tell there is still some left. During the reassembly phase, I plan to add some foam-in insulation to keep those remaining pieces from moving around. Hope this helps--Sal
  14. Dave, No luck so far--and I've tried everything. My next step is to find someone with a torch to try and heat the hub to get it to expand. I have a small MAP gas system but I guess it's not quite hot enough. I plan on replacing all the seals, bearing, etc so I'm not to worried about the heat. The reason I'm taking them apart is to have the backing plates cleaned and powder coated. The axle housing will be done Monday and I can reinstall the third member. With the axles, I can seal it up to prevent anything from getting inside. Looks like a clean rag and some tape for now for each end. I'll let you know how it progresses. Thanks again for the pictures from the service manual--it helped me a lot when I went to order the bearings, seals, etc. Sal
  15. Ok--OK--I get the message. Will take a few shots tonight and upload them. Installed the battery box bottom in the front and the two shock tower covers by the gas tank. Wow--25 rivets down, hundreds to go!!
  16. Well the frame is back from the PC and it looks fantastic. Amazing what two coats of jet black and high gloss can do. Along with the battery tray, I've got a couple of the aluminum parts that are coated in super chrome back also. So it's off to the shop for a short re-riveting session. This is fun!!!
  17. Dave, got 'em--thank you. Pages 2 & 3 give me everything I need to tear it down. I'm going about it the right way but I guess that a combination of very tight hardware, old age, and rust are keeping it from coming apart. So it's sitting there upright with soaking penetrating oil and under a little bit of pressure from the hub puller. Now I wait and see what happens. BR, Sal
  18. Hi Dave, It took me a few days to take a look at the axle and determine that it is the ITAL. I would really appreciate anything that you have. Thanks for offering to e-mail whatever you have. E-mail to: fnmag58@aol.com I did order a manual but it's out of stock and not due in for another 4-6 weeks. BR, Sal
  19. Can anyone give me advice on how to disassemble the hub from the axle shaft? I've removed the nut, added penetrating oil, and tried a large puller. No luck. Is there something I'm forgetting to do or are they that tight? Thanks for the advice--Sal
  20. Yes but probably not as many as I should--think I'll just bring the digital camera into the shop and leave it there!!
  21. The frames been blasted and cleaned. No cracks in any of the tubes or welded joints. Cleaned up a few of the welds to make them look nicer. Next is the powder coating--two coats of gloss black topped with high gloss clear. Should be done by Tuesday. Once it's back, I'll start with the panels.
  22. allright--you guys are off the hook--but we need it to be more than a round table discussion--maybe a formal presentation at 7-7-7! I'm sure someone has pictures!!http://www.usa7s.com/forum/smileys/cheers2.gif
  23. slngsht, For those of us who unfortunately and sadly couldn't make the Skyline trip, it appears there is a great story that's not being told--sounds like it involved a 7, cops, and posted speedlimits--anyone care to talk about it? We all learned in physcology class that you need to talk about these things--it will help you get over it!!! Come on--fess up! Sal
  24. VHP has no sense of humor--must be part of their training--http://www.usa7s.com/forum/smileys/banghead.gif
  25. I'd never think of speeding--it's illegal you know--http://www.usa7s.com/forum/smileys/biggrinjester.gif Well I don't have my Se7en on the road yet so all I can say is that the Highway patrol guy wasn't happy with 81 in a 55 in the Subi. Actually somewhat nasty about it. Sal
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