Hi, my name is Skip. I am an addict. I don't remember the first time I saw a Seven, it was a long time ago. I do remember that the first one I tried on for size didn't fit, I couldn't get my right foot (11 1/2 EEE) past the brake pedal to the throttle and I wrote of the Seven as something I would never be able to own.
Then along came this drug (Caterham) dealer, name of Ben, of Rocky Mountain Sport Cars in Denver. I first met him at the annual British Car Conclave where he had a display of several Caterhams. I took home some brochures but the timing was just not right.
My second encounter with Ben was in August of 2005 at a Miata club track day at the Woody Creek track in Aspen, Colorado. He showed up with an SV and gave me my first taste of that drug called Se7en. First a ride as a passenger, then he let me drive. INSTANT addiction! After a session in the SV, my much modified Miata felt like a '59 Buick with bad shocks. In fact, with Ben as a passenger in the Miata, I then had my worst off track agricultural experience ever (other than hitting the outhouse, but that is another story).
Although I wasn't really in a position to buy a Se7en at that time, I thought I would have a look on line and see what used ones were going for. I found a dealer in Cottonwood, AZ with a new '04 SV, assembled but without a motor or transmission. It said call for special pricing. I called, we talked, the price was too good to pass up so a quick second mortgage on the house and I was off to Arizona to pick up my car. Does this sound like an addiction to you?
I was well on the way to getting it up and running with a turbo'd Miata engine and transmission when health problems put me in the hospital last summer. Before I recovered from that, my house, on the market for 7 months finally sold so I had to find a new place, make the move and all that involves. The upside of that is I now have a 1,500 sq ft shop as well as a two car attached garage. The downside is that my health is still a problem and I am on long term disability, on oxygen 24/7.
However, I still have the SV although I haven't worked on it since early July. I am now getting settled in the new home and getting the new shop organized and will start working on the SV in November and have it on the road by spring. I have signed up for the 07/07/07 event at the TOD.
Pictures of the car are here:
Documentation of the engine installation progress are here: