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Everything posted by scannon

  1. Health issues and a move kept me from working on the car since early July, but I have been back at it for about two weeks now, mostly working on the wiring. The wiring is almost done and I will be able to move on to the intake and exhaust systems. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/636168/16 Skip
  2. I'm in the process of wiring up an '04 Caterham SV with a Miata engine. I have wired in the Link ECU and am in the process of marrying the Link harness with the Caterham loom. I have a couple of basic questions. The assembly manual wiring diagram that came with the car does not match the connectors on the car. Someone sent me a pdf of connector pinouts (see http://www.cardomain.com/ride/636168/16) and there is one connector on there (C2) that matches the large connector on the car. I need to know if the diagram shows the connector from the cable side or the connector interface side. The factory assembly manual's wiring diagram says its pinouts are from the cable side, the one with the actual connector on it doesn't give any info about that. Does anyone know which it is before I smoke some expensive parts? Can someone tell me which relays are which under the dash on the passenger side? There are 5 or 6 of them aligned vertically. All look physically the same except the 2nd from the bottom which is larger than the others. Thanks, Skip
  3. http://www.flyinmiata.com/westfield/flip.php?x=102 Skip
  4. I was over at Flyin Miata a couple of weeks ago and Keith showed me around the Westfield project. I was impressed with the kit and its quality and if I weren't knee deep into my Caterham SV/Miata turbo engine project I think the Westfield might have been my choice. I'm in the middle of wiring the Miata (Link ECU) electronics into the Caterham harness and it is every bit as difficult as I thought it would be. FM is known for their fantastic technical support, a system I have tested many times in the course of 7 or 8 years of turbo'd Miatas. They have been helping me out with parts and helped solve problems encountered with the Caterham project. Skip Caterham project is at http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2175152
  5. My browser displays the lock symbol at the top next to the URL field. The calender website didn't have the lock symbol nor the https (not wwws. as I wrote above) in the URL so I have to assume it is not a secure site despite their claim that it is. Skip
  6. I decided to order a calander, went through the usual internet buying drill, but when I got to the screen for giving the credit card number, it was not a secure (wwws.) page. Their policy page said it was a secure server but this is the first time I have ever been asked to make a transaction on a URL that didn't show the wwws. Anyone know if their site (World Pay) is really secure? Skip
  7. Thanks for the rest of the pictures, great looking installation. Skip
  8. Great start, how about some details and pictures of the engine and trans? Skip
  9. http://uk.injection.tv/main.php?region=UK&language=en&section=thrill&subsection=speed&contentid=1072&appPath=/ The cars it bettered: Koenigsegg CXX +0.2 sec Pagani Zonda +1.0 Maserati MC12 +1.5 Ferrari Enzo +1.6 Ariel Atom +2.1 Porsche Carrera GT +2.4 McLaren Merc SLR +3.5
  10. I suffer from a similar depression. Work was going quick and well on my Caterham, then health issues forced a stop in early July, then the house sold and I had to find and purchase a new one, then move, then the Miata needed some work and on and on. So nothing has happened on the project since July 10th. I'm settled in now and have a 1,500 sq ft shop next to the new house. The Caterham was moved from the attached garage to the shop this week and I plan to commence work on it next week. It WILL be on the road by Spring! Skip
  11. After listening to Nathan and Ben at RMSCI, it sounds to my ear like: kay-trum. Unfortunately, I was used to saying Cat-er-ham and still have a hard time not using that pronunciation, even after language lessions from Nathan. Skip
  12. My Miata weighs just under 2,400 lb. I'm hoping the Caterham SV will weigh in at around 1,300 lb when finished. Whichever trailer I buy has to be able to carry either car so it will probably have to be a bit longer for the 13 foot long Miata. I will go for the brake option. Skip
  13. Thanks slngsht. It is mostly under control and as long as I have the supplemental oxygen, I am pretty much back to normal. I have even driven on the track in the Miata with my portable liquid oxygen tank strapped in the passenger seat. Another track day coming up this weekend at Pueblo. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/hurray.gif Skip
  14. I vote for the brakes as well. I tow my Miata on a borrowed single axle trailer from time to time with an '05 Legacy GT wagon. Stopping distances are much greater and once on a long down hill run, the trailer started swaying back and forth. Fortunately, I was able to control it and no damage was done. Skip
  15. Hi, my name is Skip. I am an addict. I don't remember the first time I saw a Seven, it was a long time ago. I do remember that the first one I tried on for size didn't fit, I couldn't get my right foot (11 1/2 EEE) past the brake pedal to the throttle and I wrote of the Seven as something I would never be able to own. Then along came this drug (Caterham) dealer, name of Ben, of Rocky Mountain Sport Cars in Denver. I first met him at the annual British Car Conclave where he had a display of several Caterhams. I took home some brochures but the timing was just not right. My second encounter with Ben was in August of 2005 at a Miata club track day at the Woody Creek track in Aspen, Colorado. He showed up with an SV and gave me my first taste of that drug called Se7en. First a ride as a passenger, then he let me drive. INSTANT addiction! After a session in the SV, my much modified Miata felt like a '59 Buick with bad shocks. In fact, with Ben as a passenger in the Miata, I then had my worst off track agricultural experience ever (other than hitting the outhouse, but that is another story). Although I wasn't really in a position to buy a Se7en at that time, I thought I would have a look on line and see what used ones were going for. I found a dealer in Cottonwood, AZ with a new '04 SV, assembled but without a motor or transmission. It said call for special pricing. I called, we talked, the price was too good to pass up so a quick second mortgage on the house and I was off to Arizona to pick up my car. Does this sound like an addiction to you? I was well on the way to getting it up and running with a turbo'd Miata engine and transmission when health problems put me in the hospital last summer. Before I recovered from that, my house, on the market for 7 months finally sold so I had to find a new place, make the move and all that involves. The upside of that is I now have a 1,500 sq ft shop as well as a two car attached garage. The downside is that my health is still a problem and I am on long term disability, on oxygen 24/7. However, I still have the SV although I haven't worked on it since early July. I am now getting settled in the new home and getting the new shop organized and will start working on the SV in November and have it on the road by spring. I have signed up for the 07/07/07 event at the TOD. Pictures of the car are here: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2175152 Documentation of the engine installation progress are here: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/636168/10 Skip
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