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  • Location
    Tacoma, WA
  • Se7en
    Birkin S3

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  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CiZLNN4OiEv/?hl=en
  2. It was fun to see your car but missed finding you. Nice to Meet JohnCh and Pokey too!
  3. I'm going to drive Eggsy up and see if anyone notices that he's not British
  4. What a nice day for a drive! When's a good time to come say Hi and circle the island one of these days? I still haven't seen a brand C close-up yet and keen to compare them a bit.
  5. That's looking great and just in time for driving season! I kinda doubt that you'd be pulled over driving around on your island, the traffic cops seem pretty reasonable there. While waiting for my State Patrol appointment I got a couple 3-day trip permits at $25 each easily self-issued when ever needed for a drive out of the neighborhood before registration was completed. Looking forward to crossing paths pretty soon! https://apps.oria.wa.gov/permithandbook/permitdetail/186
  6. I registered the Birkin in Wa. with no paperwork troubles, however due to pandemic, I did have to wait a couple months for an appointment at the State Patrol VIN inspection lane. The DOL agent required a VIN inspection to complete the process. The car was from Calif as a 1964 SPCN Birkin S3 with a 2002 Ford engine. The WSP inspector only looked at the VIN labels and matching number plate on the frame and did not delve into construction or safety items at all. Interestingly the Yr Make and Model all changed on my title which now shows as a 2003 yr, KITV make, 1964 LOTUS model with Roadster body style and 1100 lbs curb weight. Good luck with your Brunton and hope to see you out there sometime!
  7. It's been a few years since I've been that way. The Forest Service website says that it's open with dips and potholes to negotiate! Forest Road 25 Can't go next weekend but maybe soon after. Want to go on a blat, John? Anyone else?
  8. Mt Rainier was nice. I did it twice! Anybody wanna go for a ride? Let's set something up! Mt Rainier Drive 360 video
  9. How Seattle-ish are you? I drive by there all the time! I'd enjoy comparing notes with a Caterham build. These pretend cars are a blast, you can have a spin in mine!
  10. I've put over 2000 miles on Eggsy locally in the last month. Only one 7 seen and it wasn't even a cheesy kit replica. I think next week a ccw loop around Mt Ranier. Stevens canyon road and hwy 123 are pretty bitchin this time of year. Anybody wanna go? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
  11. C'mon guys! I've only seen one other 7 since owning one. Today: Driving up the waterfront from Ruston to Shoreline then figure 8 lake Washington back South Plans are subject to changes. Is there anyone else nearby blatting?
  12. DemoDan


    Went to my local dyno for a baseline horsepower reading. The nice car guys at the shop were jazzed to see something different than a Honda! Four pulls all did 150. Shout Out to Rich-Tuned Motorsports in Lakewood, Thanks! Dyno.compressed.mp4
  13. Looks like a half-ton of fun! Let me know if you'd like to cross paths toward the South Sound!
  14. I'm looking forward to seeing another green one in the neighborhood sometime! I really need to learn the acronyms like IVA and PBC lol! Cheers and good luck!
  15. DemoDan


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8clmutXHFo8 Our second autocross on Memorial Day
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