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Everything posted by jfgw

  1. Thank you Mike - sounds like a trip to NAPA is in order!
  2. Hi everyone, Need to replace top radiator hose on my 2008 LHD Zetec/SVT Caterham. Caterham UK site doesn't seem to have the exact shape in either rubber or silicone. Wondered if anyone has suggestions for where to source this hose (or whole set if possible)? Pic attached to show the shape. Thanks, James
  3. Thanks for your help
  4. Good info, thanks! I don't see an option on the Caterham website to buy either of those compounds. Do you know what brand they are, and any thoughts on where to source?
  5. I have an issue with my brakes where I seem to be experiencing a long pedal when braking after corners, but a decent pedal when braking after straights. I've replaced hubs and wheelbearings, believe my discs are true, and am planning to replace brake pads as the least expensive item to try, to see if this solves the problem. Question for the group, having removed the fronts to see what they are, there is just a long code on the back, which I'm not sure what pads they are. Talking to Caterham they say they're probably their Ferodo ones, but the code doesn't look right. I'm thinking perhaps they're Mintex 1144 but wondered if anyone on here can identify? Thanks!
  6. Great car! Can you speak about the engine - any mods? Power level, wet or dry sump? Best of luck..great weight figure too!
  7. Scratch that - here's a photo of how they did it.
  8. Tom - I saw a pic of the 620R without the nosecone when a dealer was advertising one recently and the intercooler was mounted in front of the rad and they were both angled with the top further back than the bottom. The nose cone was modified with a cut out on the top and some plastic underneath the cutout to channel air to the rad, and then there was extra cooling at the bottom of the nosecone to get air to the inter cooler. I could be wrong about placement. But the angled approach is how Caterham did it for the supercharger on the 620R. I'll look for the pics or someone else may have some. James
  9. I am definitely interested in pursuing this and will be chatting with Tom about it. Key for me is to retain the outline of the car - I am not a fan of pipes sticking out (apart from exhaust and intake trumpets ) or bulges in the bodywork, so packaging and cooling are key considerations. Attached are some shots of a friend's narrow bodied S3 car in the UK from a few years ago - turbo'd ford cosworth yb (sierra/escort cosworth etc). I recall the ride and the acceleration when in 3 figures to be like a NA Caterham does in 2 figure speeds.... astonishing! If I proceed, I will be sure to keep everyone in the loop on the process.....
  10. Tom - sent you a PM - how do I contact you? My email is jamesfgwheeler at yahoo
  11. James A - I will. Thank you...
  12. Hey guys, Winter brings upgrad-itis, right.... first on my list is more power...... I remember Turbofocus talking about turbocharging a zetec in the narrower bodied S3, and just wanting a suitable car to work with/fabricate. Did anyone ever take him up on that, or anyone else who has pursued this path? Alternatively, I know the 620R uses a small Rotrex supercharger on a Duratec... in the same way the exhaust on a duratec is on the drivers side in the U.K., the exhaust is on the drivers side with the zetec in the US.... has anyone done this with a zetec? Would really love not to have to reinvent the wheel as unfortunately I don't have the skills myself and finding someone to do the discovery work is not simple. Cheers!
  13. Mike - Focus SVT motor with different cam and lightened flywheel with Caterham 6 speed box. Was a little short on grunt down the straights, but the corners are where the car excels Would love to super or turbocharge, or swap to hayabusa turbo for different world performance.... James
  14. Some footage I took in the NASA Great Lakes event at Mid Ohio on Aug 27, 28. Really enjoyed the group and the overall event - well organized and safe. Open passing allowed (point by recommended but not required), as well as ability to take passengers. A two part video with my (brave) wife alongside, including a nice overtake with a howling 996 GT3 Cup - Part one - - Part two - Another two part video with a good friend: - Part one - - Part two - This is my youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZSU6ujuKo37ZcypFy7UUsQ Hope you like the videos James
  15. Hi guys, I am starting to think about changing my Zetec with Caterham 6 speed for a Hayabusa Turbo set-up in my non-SV Caterham. As I have started to read threads, I have seen that Super7Cars in Canada have been doing this for a while. As I am in Ohio, are there other companies I should also speak to about what is involved? Also, are there any kits available in the US for the Hayabusa engine, transmission, reversing gearbox etc, and then possibly for the turbo set-up too? Thanks in advance. James
  16. And yes, staggered set-up on Avon slicks
  17. Pi7ot, Depending on which video you watched, I ran different tire pressures which induced understeers in the later runs. The original was fairly neutral on 16psi cold. I was running with NORPCA and I was wearing arm restraints - I wear them between elbow and shoulder. In the later video I actually have to push them up a couple of times as they slide down past my elbow!!
  18. Thanks guys, it certainly was huge fun!!! If only I could do it more often.... I've added two more to that channel on YouTube which I've imaginatively called James's Garage
  19. Had a great time - looking forward to getting some telemetry and working on improvements!
  20. Thanks kitkat - you said the 'stock caterham oil cooler' - did you mean the stock caterham oil pressure gauge? Thanks
  21. Hi guys, I was at the track recently with my Zetec SVT engined Caterham and noticed decreasing oil pressure on the stock Caterham gauge after a few laps. Coolant temp remained normal, but I don't have an oil temp gauge and I don't have an oil cooler. I'm using Mobil 1 fully synthetic 5w30, but have heard that 10w40 would be better for track work. Car is wet sump with the raceline sump. I plan to check the accuracy of the caterham pressure gauge with a mechanical, also swap the oil to 10w40, and also look to add an oil cooler. I will have the oil analyzed for any possible bearing residue, but wondered if I am missing anything or if anyone else has suffered similar symptoms. Also, does anyone have any photos of how/where they mounted an oil cooler for a zetec - seems there isn't much room for the sandwich plate, even with a short oil filter. Thanks in advance.. James
  22. But if you didn't want to use the car on the road, only on the track (and completed the paperwork to say you would never try..), could you import complete? My local specialist had a 2-Eleven as a track-only car - thought it came in complete, but don't know for sure..
  23. Just fantastic - great video's guys.... So, we know we'd have to buy it without the engine/gearbox, but just thinking, if you wanted to just use it on the track in the US, could you buy the car just like that, complete, RHD etc? Oh to have the money for an $80k track toy!!
  24. Hi everyone, I am delighted to say that I have recently acquired TomC's 2005 Superlight R. It's British racing green with exposed carbon wings etc. Has the Ford SVT 2.0 with cam and flywheel upgrade. I am SOOOOOO happy to be back in the 7 family! I will post pics in the member's rides section once I stop driving long enough to take some! Thanks to everyone for their messages about their cars for sale. James
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