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    Mech Eng

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  1. I see you yourself ... responded in "this thread" oh Super One, come on, he said nothing wrong, this is a forum for ppl that love 7,s not Priuses, so come on will ya.
  2. Yet again "over moderation" from the "Super Moderator" let people breathe will you.He is just speaking his piece, we do not need a nanny for this! Dear me.
  3. too funny Believe me this is not a Dutton. But it might be a Spitfire.
  4. For sure
  5. Even rarer.... http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Doscar%2Bmeyer%2Bweinermobile%26b%3D21%26ni%3D20%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26pstart%3D1%26fr%3Dyfp-t-501&w=500&h=333&imgurl=static.flickr.com%2F53%2F107320662_18d7c87323.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fdavetest%2F107320662%2F&size=108k&name=Weinermobile+Clo...&p=oscar+meyer+weinermobile&oid=32effdae0fd0cd38&fr2=&fusr=Dave+Test&no=30&tt=295&b=21&ni=20&sigr=11gikbes7&sigi=11dem4iio&sigb=13qv80gap
  6. that looks like a great item.
  7. some one has to know this car
  8. DB6

    Brake Pads

    Dave, some say that the semi-mets get dirty cuz they are doing the job and not sacrificing the discs as would ceramics, I am not sure?? I am just looking for a good street pad for spirited driving without any drama, dirt or noise.
  9. all the Interweb can not figure out what this is?
  10. DB6

    Brake Pads

    Hi, I am looking for input on a good street pad with low dust; also what are the pros and cons of semi-met v ceramic?
  11. isn,t 185 enough?
  12. so what the $%@? is it It is also a WIDE car, which makes me think of a one off, plus fact that it matches nothing out there .
  13. , dear me "occifier"
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