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This was Tapaco On Friday night.


I was driving along this 11 mile strech of road with no turn offs and this unnamed guy in this funny car had his blinker on, like forever.


These guys and gals might have been crazier than us


This crazy guy named Brian made us drive like 20 mph all the way to the group photo, I better end up in a mag.


This is my version of the group photo (sorry late arrivals) and don't blow up to big you will see the stitch lines.


Thanks Al and Mazda and everyone for a wonderful weekend.


John Viviani

1978 Caterham Twin Cam

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Guy in Orange is my nephew, Arya, who provided tool support
Not something I would shout about on a male dominated forum :o:rolleyes: :lol:


Seriously though - it looks like a fantastic time was had and you guys have some fabulous driving roads/scenary over there (and some wonderful cars too).


Well done to all involved :hurray: :thumbs: :seeya:


Many thanks to the 7-7-7 team. Super job. The solid preparation was evident in everything. Brilliant event. How can anyone top this?


Here are some pics . We (Greame G., Jeff P., John M. and myself) were putting Fred K's car back on the trailer when Mr. Wilson with his well running classic S1 arrived. Asked if he could help and if there were more 7's around. He mentioned he'd rarely seen another se7en... We send him to the Tapoco lodge, figuring someone would direct him to the meet. Glad to see him in front at the photoshoot.

Fred's car had broken the rear A-arm joint, fortunately he "landed" it without indicent.


The 1st pic is at the overnight stop in Kentucky... ok, so there were a few cops around.

Next is Mr. Wilson stopping by to help.

Other pics from the magical Saturday 6AM dragon run

Last pic from the 4pm Sat photoshoot and also Graeme's and myself with our cars.
















Here's a couple of pics of Cherik and I after the wet ride from Fontana to Tapoco on Saturday! If you can't tell, I had fun!! :D








Michael A. and girlfriend in his Birkin after the parade Saturday morning. Michael did a beautiful job on his Birkin, the attention to detail was second to none!! :cool:




Bruce - 100 posts :hurray:


Here's a nice homebuilt by Burke U. coming back from the parade Saturday morning. He did a GREAT job capturing the essence of an early 60's RHD Seven. I was impressed!! The sparks later on just added to show!! :D






I have spent the evening reviewing all the great photos on this forum, on Killboy, and at the links mentioned (Vaccaro and jalopnik). I put my camera away after Thursday night, and I'm glad I did. The shots everybody else took are fantastic! They really catch the essence of the week-end. Jonny - loved the articles! 11BudLite - thanks for posting the photo of the Series 1 following our Sprint Super 7 to the photo shoot at Fontana. That whole episode was serendipitous. What a time for him to come rolling along. Bill and I had thought that he was a registered member just arriving when he rolled into the Tapoco lot. We asked if he was coming to the group photo shoot. He said, "Where is it?" And we said, "Follow us!" Along the way we passed Doug getting his ticket. Bet he never follows Mazda anywhere again!


Thanks again to Al and Mazda for putting the event together. You did a masterful job!


Marcy Power

Here's a couple of pics of Cherik and I after the wet ride from Fontana to Tapoco on Saturday! If you can't tell, I had fun!! :D




I forgot to ask, but somehow your wife must have passed us to have been able to make these pics..... or just simply used a transporter..




Mazda, no big deal....the bonnet did not fly, after all???


If it did it may have looked like this:http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/531208141_BonnetCrunch.jpg

Well, after being run over by 2 big rigs....


If you download http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/416434076_BonnetGone.jpg and rename it to .wmv you can see how it happened (sorry Mazda, don't know how to post video here).




Bill/Marcy - It was great to follow you guys and take your photos. The MINI makes a pretty decent chase car! I have quite a few more pictures of your cars...some of just you, some of just the series 1 - (Mr Wilson?), and some of both cars together. I plan on posting some more of them over the next several days but if you'll give me your e-mail address I'd be happy to forward the rest to you! :)


Cherik - The only thing I can think is Nancy left when we were strapping in to your car?? I know she doesn't drive that fast!! :D

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