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Headlight Painting/Removal

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Well, I want black headlights, after a lot of reading I think I'm going to try painting them with plastidip, from what I have read it will spray over clean chrome without issue, lasts well and if it doesn't work out you can basically peel it off.


This brings me to my question, remove the lights or paint in situ? I read an article on swapping the headlights and it was pretty involved to remove the whole assembly, wondering if anyone has any guidance on whether it is realist to remove the cover, unhook cables and ultimately get the light off without removing the mount? I figure it's better to ask before attacking it the wrong way.


Otherwise I'm contemplating trying to plastidip in place, remove the lens, tape everything up and get at it, other than masking my concern is the spray likes to be applied with the can vertical, getting underneath could be a challenge but with such a small area maybe not a big deal.


Any thoughts / opinions / suggestions?




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I think best to remove. Disassemble. Plastidip

I think cater ham is same as Birkin requiring the "special tool" to do this-

Cut a Chanel in a socket to pass over the wires coming through the bolt.

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I think best to remove. Disassemble. Plastidip

I think Caterham is same as Birkin requiring the "special tool" to do this-

Cut a Chanel in a socket to pass over the wires coming through the bolt.


Concur on the remove before painting.


WRT removing / loosening the headlight retention nut: You could also use a line wrench or make your own by cutting a slot in the side of a box end wrench like this:



Harbor Freight tools are perfect (i.e. cheap and relatively disposable) for these kinds of limited use special tool creation projects.

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