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I have some Carbon fiber front wings that came with my Caterham ... Has anyone mounted these? What is the best way to attach them? What adhesive, how to best match the position before mounting, how to mount turn signals on Carbon Fiber?


Basically just looking for best practices and adhesive recommendation ... Don't want to screw up these wings trying to install them.






I think a lot of people use Sikaflex and glue the wings directly to the stays. I used Plexus ma300 and Bighead fasteners so I could use cable ties to easily remove the wings (Which I did several times during the build process) Have a look at the Lotus7.club website (Blatchat)...there are a lot of discussions on fitting etc.

If you fancied going the Bighead route I do have a few sets left over.



All the best



I have some Carbon fiber front wings that came with my Caterham ... Has anyone mounted these? What is the best way to attach them? What adhesive, how to best match the position before mounting, how to mount turn signals on Carbon Fiber?
Take a few minutes and read the article at the following link: http://www.caterhamr500.co.uk/2016/05/carbon-cycle-wing-replacement-with-guide.html


You can also browse through these images that might give you more ideas and help provide additional information: https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1907&bih=1052&ei=SUkxW72CPcO8sQWB3ayQBQ&q=caterham+big+head+fasteners&oq=caterham+big+head+fasteners&gs_l=img.3...1033.7298.0.9834.

How are you’re current wings attached and can you replicate the mounting?


The current wings are in bad shape ... They are bolted on and the holes are starting to spiderweb crack ... I don't want to drill the carbon fiber wings


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