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heal and toe video


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The video demonstrates "Heel & Toe", but depending on the location of the pedals, it can also be done by rolling your foot to the side, to hit the gas, not by moving your heel. And to do it well, you have to set up your brake and gas pedals so your foot is at the correct height when the brakes are applied, so you can roll it to the right & hit the gas.


I went to the Bragg-Smith driving school, and the first day, they made us drive up and down the straight for a good half hour, upshifting and down shifting while "heel & toe" blipping the throttle. The instructors were all along the straight, listening to the cars, and they would radio to us if they didn't hear the blips. They wanted us to practice so we could match engine speed while downshifting so we wouldn't let out the clutch with too few revs, and lock up the rear wheels.

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