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Half Sidescreens opinions


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I have a set from SoftBitsforSevens and we use them fairly often.  They help "warm up" the interior on cold mornings, they keep the crud out of the car when the roads are wet, and reduce the amount of rocks tossed into the passenger side.  There is a limitation, in the use of the rearmost snap if you want to also use the "Bikini" top from SoftBits at the same time.  As the boot cover will still be snapped, all three snaps won't fit at the same time.

Actually, the wife says we will be using the half doors this morning....

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I ordered mine from Oxted for my SV. I use them quite a lot to help with buffeting and reducing the stones that come into the car. I don't use them much in the summer due to the ambient heat temperatures.


If I was doing it again, I might look into some of the third party CF half doors.


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5 hours ago, kayentaskier said:

I ordered mine from Oxted for my SV. I use them quite a lot to help with buffeting and reducing the stones that come into the car. I don't use them much in the summer due to the ambient heat temperatures.


If I was doing it again, I might look into some of the third party CF half doors.




I'm not familiar with CF half doors...



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