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Can anyone tell me what car the original Series 2 rear view mirror might be sources from?


Thanks in advance - Jim Bolinger


I've seen this one installed on vintage photos but I don't think it is still produced. Are you looking for a fixed height and angle type? Those are easier to find.

S2 Mirror.jpg


"Original S2" covers a lot of ground.  Early cars would have had a dash mounted mirror like this car does:




Later cars would have had a suction cup mount mirror like this S3 does:




Where did they came from?  Most likely aftermarket accessory manufacturers, not OEM.  They were bought in small lots, perhaps even singly at times as Lotus Seven production numbers were very low, sporadic and subject to long lulls.




I was not aware they changed. Mine was manufactured in July 63 and appears to have had a dash mounted mirror.  In looking at the link from Bonham's it looks like it might be an MGA mirror. I'll start my search there.

Posted (edited)

JB's reference is what I was referring to as being easier to find, but each of these are from different, period articles that show the pivot base. Pivot or fixed low mount telescopic is unlikely to be of much use or stable when extended compared to a high cup mount.




Edited by MV8
  • 4 weeks later...

My S2 1160 America has an even simpler mirror, with a clamp holding mirror glass. It's possible that the previous owner, who raced the car extensively in the 1960s, went minimalist with the mirror. It is at least the mirror it had back then.


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