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As mentioned in the title, I have an opportunity to purchase a vehicle. Planning on flying out from Michigan to finalize the deal but figured I’d ask here if there was anyone local check out the car (totally independent and certainly in no means anything beyond giving me some feedback)


Seller seems genuine and authentic.


anyone have any advise for long distance purchase in another state?


1 hour ago, Detroiter said:

anyone have any advise for long distance purchase in another state?


A lot depends on the car. 


Relatively new and used on the regular? Mostly risk free.


Older model and seldom use? Lots more questions. 


You're doing the right thing by asking here for any local to check it out. 


According to the FB group map there is one owner of Westfield in Fresno, and one in Santa Cruz. Those appear the closest that marked their locations. Not certain on member locations here. 


I personally had a friend check mine out in Socal before I flew out. 


Agree on form of payment before flying out and get your ducks in a row with storage and look into transport. 


If the car is in good shape I'd recommend driving for a trip of a lifetime but Michigan weather can be tricky. If he can hold till spring or you can arrange storage (I put mine into local pack storage before shipping could take care of it before I flew back) I'd do that. Mine was in no condition to drive such a distance but I wish it was. 


@Vovchandr is reasonably correct (note the intentional language so I don't end up a victim in his signature).  Barring someone responding that they are in the area and can check it out, sharing some information about the car (brand, year, engine, etc.) could generate a list of specific things to check.

  • Thanks 1

Ah, the shiny car!  The Miata engine with throttle bodies caught my eye.  That isn't overly common in Miata circles over here.  I'd be curious to find out the ECU brand and who did the tuning. Is a dyno sheet available?  Given it's new, it's down to assembly quality.  I'd ask for a lot of detailed photos to see if there are any obvious short cuts taken.  


I will add one quick thing. 


With used cars you're not buying the car per se, you're buying the seller. (Same identical cars with two different owners will give new owner very different experiences)


Triple so with the cars put together by the owners. 


I would test him with some very specific questions to see if it stumps him or if he answers direct that he doesn't know or lies etc. 


He's likely competent but it's good to double check. 



Old Russian saying goes "trust but verify" 



  • Thanks 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Still need an assist? I live in same county; ~30min from current owner.


  • Thanks 1

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