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Do you use voicemail to email services?


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If so, do you find it practical and how long have you been using it?


I'm working for a startup that's doing speech to text on voicemails. Nothing new by now, since there are already a few companies doing it out there. Do you also use a text to speech service?


Here is a sample output of what we're developing... the audio is a clip from a youtube vid of the President's Sept 11th speech. Our service doesn't do any punctuation / capitalization yet, and is not perfect, but generally good enough to be understandable.


Clicky for sample


Note to Mac users: This link only works on firefox / IE on windows

(flash version is in the works)


The beauty of transcribed messages in your email is that down the road, if you need to find something, you simply use your email's search functionality to find it.


(Note to Al: this is the latest project I've been working on...)


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Not sure if it is the same but I have that feature on all my Vonage phone lines. It works reasonably well and I never check listen to the voicemails anymore. Caller calls, leaves the message, and in a few I have the text on my Treo. Every few days I just log on and delete my VMs. Now if Verizon could do that

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Not sure if it is the same but I have that feature on all my Vonage phone lines. It works reasonably well and I never check listen to the voicemails anymore. Caller calls, leaves the message, and in a few I have the text on my Treo. Every few days I just log on and delete my VMs. Now if Verizon could do that


It is the same thing, although their service may involve some manual correction.

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Did someone say BEER?

Best beer ever:






To stay on topic, no I haven't used v-mail to e-mail either, but it sounds like a good idea. :cheers:



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Please don't post in French ... You will just get us all in trouble!


just like Slngsht said:

USA = English or Spanish


Malheur is (as everyone knows) a French word meaning misfortune.


Don't bother thanking me Slngsht. You do such a great job at scrutinizing these things and you can't be expected to catching out everything. :ack: :banghead: :flag:


(Re the Voice to Script Pagers:

I know this is wierd (sorry folks that's how my head works) your description conjured up some very old soundbytes from Dec Talk.

Sorry ... Everyone can be normal now!)

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Well, to totally hijack this thread, I happen to have a nomination for best beer too. Perhaps at the '09 gathering we could have a put-up- or-shut-up contest (we all supply a 6 pack of our favorite and have a taste-off)?


Back slightly on topic, I have never found voice recognition software very effective. I have purchased 2 different versions of Dragon Naturally Speaking that were supposed to convert my spoken word into typed format and what I mostly got was gibberish.

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Well, to totally hijack this thread, I happen to have a nomination for best beer too. Perhaps at the '09 gathering we could have a put-up- or-shut-up contest (we all supply a 6 pack of our favorite and have a taste-off)?


Back slightly on topic, I have never found voice recognition software very effective. I have purchased 2 different versions of Dragon Naturally Speaking that were supposed to convert my spoken word into typed format and what I mostly got was gibberish.

Did you consume the beer immediately prior to testing the software? That's one possible explanation for the gibberish... :)

(Man, you left this one W-I-D-E open - almost too easy!)

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Hmm, as far as Dragon, isn't the program supposed to be sort of learning based where it learns what to type accurately over time? But, as far as voice to text, I know there are services that do this. One of my friends in high school along with his wife, were both deaf. Had a telephone in their house that lit up and had a small screen near it that they could read what people were saying, and type back for the service to repeat back to whoever was calling. Charlie could be uh, inventive with language so I always wondered about the translations if he "talked" like that on the phone. I am pretty sure this was provided by ma bell or whoever provided their service at the time.



As far as beer, I am not a connoisseur. But I prefer Grolsch, mainly due its being a bit heavier and it has the cool re-seal-able bottle. Best beer awards, a case would probably be more in line depending on how many are anticipated coming to the event. Heh, if its decided on in St Louis/Ozarks a tour of the Budweiser plant would probably be in order.

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Hmm, as far as Dragon, isn't the program supposed to be sort of learning based where it learns what to type accurately over time? But, as far as voice to text, I know there are services that do this. One of my friends in high school along with his wife, were both deaf. Had a telephone in their house that lit up and had a small screen near it that they could read what people were saying, and type back for the service to repeat back to whoever was calling. Charlie could be uh, inventive with language so I always wondered about the translations if he "talked" like that on the phone. I am pretty sure this was provided by ma bell or whoever provided their service at the time.



The ones where the system "learns" your voice are speaker dependent. Our service is speaker independent.


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Not to go off topic


This is an example of what I recieve from Vonage--


"Yes. This is (Shawn?) at (??) (Electric?). I got (up?) on 234 and I'm coming up to (Lee Highway?). I was just wanna make sure I'm going the right way. Can you give me a call back at 703-xxx-xxxx. Thank you."


So not perfect but works and saves the dailing, passcodes and cell airtime.


You may now return to beer talk...




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