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Seven's Invitation to Our 2008 Track Days


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Good Morning Everyone:


Just a quick note to invite any road course drivers out there to join MVP Track Time for track days in 2008. We are open to all makes of cars and convertibles (with a roll bar) that meet the rules.


Our 2008 track days (so far) are as follows:


April 21 - Putnam Park (Near Indianapolis) [Tax Freedom Track Day - SOLD OUT!]

May 9 - Summit Point (West Virgiania) [Private Corporate Event - SOLD OUT!]

June 2 - Autobahn Country Club (Near Joliet, IL.) - SOLD OUT!

August 18 - Autobahn Country Club

September 13 & 14 - Blackhawk Farms (Near Beloit, WI) [Our 1st Weekend Event]


Both Autobhan dates are once again the entire 3.56 mile road course. None of this namby-pamby 1/2 track stuff. We will be announcing at least one more track day or weekend (liklely BeaveRun) for 2008 soon.


Registration with Pay Pal, credit card or via downloadable form (mail in check) is available at:




Feel free to contact me at (314) 249-3770 if you have questions.


Happy Motoring and I'll see you at the track!


Mark "Feff" Pfeffer



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have signed up, any others?


Putnam is a great Sevens track as it has lots of wiggles and puts a premium on handling.


It does have a respectable straight as well. I hit 95 mph at the end of it in my Miata, 100 mph in my Seven last year, 120 mph in my Evo, and saw 140 mph there as a passenger in a friend's 'Vette. So power is certainly relevant.


I have been placed in the "advanced group", typically populated by muscle cars of various stripes. With my 93 hp, I shd spend a lot of time watching my mirrors on the straight: a 40 mph speed differential is sizeable!


Any folks planning on attending the LOG this summer in Indy mite use this as an opportunity to learn the track, as Putnam is the site of the LOG's track day.

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May 9th would have been great at Summit for me, but I'm not quite sure if my car will be in track condition, or even running condition at that time. So I'll have to wait and see.




The May 9th track day at Summit Point will probably be opened to the general public (it's a private event for a car dealer group) late this month (February) so watch our web site for details.


Mark "Feff" Pfeffer


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  • 2 weeks later...
May 9 might work for me as well. What site should we watch?




Watch www.MVPTrackTime.com for info on Summit Point.


With just over 2 months until our first 2008 track day at Putnam Park (near Indy), we are well over 1/2 full. If you'd like to join us for Putnam Park or any other MVP Track Time track day in 2008, visit www.MVPTrackTime.com.


Happy Motoring and I hope to see you at the track!


Mark "Feff" Pfeffer


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just back from this event. Great weather, great event. Had a chance to chat with Jack Banker (Jbanker here), Stalker owner and good guy.


So anyhow, the little underpowered Crossflow was pretty awesome. All of the little tweaks over the last year finally paid off and the car performed as advertised: it was one of the faster cars there. I ran away from a 500 hp Supra, lost a ZO6, and a BMW M3, etc.


The car really stuck so while I was toast on the straight, I typically made up the distance lost by the 3rd or 4th turn. It was amazing to just keep the hammer down in turns where in my Evo and Miata I was braking. Ditto everyone else on the track.


No reliability issues either. I am knockin on wood.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Glad you had fun. A track day just isn't a track day without Sevens present.


June 2nd at Autobahn Country Club is SOLD OUT!


Our second full 3.56 mile Autobahn track day on August 18th just crossed the 1/2 full mark for registrations. If you'd like to join us, registration is available for all MVP track events at:




Drop me an e-mail at Feffman@MVPTrackTime.com if you have any questions. Happy Motoring!





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All:


Some photos from Putnam Park April 21st and Autobahn Country Club on June 2nd!


With two months until our August 18th track day at Autobahn Country Club’s (near Chicago) full 3.56 mile road course, we are well over ½ full. If you'd like to join us for the Autobahn II (August 18th) event or any remaining MVP Track Time track day in 2008, visit us at:





Don't hesitate to contact me at Feffman@MVPTrackTime.com if you have any questions. Happy Motoring and I hope to see you at the track!


Mark "Feff" Pfeffer




http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/624579393_Silver Vette.JPG

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good Morning:


The Novice group for MVP Track Time’s (www.MVPTrackTime.com) August 18th at Autobahn Country Club is full. Limited spots still remaining for the Autobahn Intermediate and Advanced run groups. Contact me at Feffman@MVPTrackTime.com for the Novice reserve list for Autobahn. CYA at the track!




PS: Blackhawk Farms Raceway (September 13th & 14th) is already ½ full as well!

http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1061818230_Orange Seven.JPGhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/269482977_Vette and V.JPGhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/2036241711_Gold Viper.JPG

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  • 1 month later...

Autobahn August 18th was near perfect, barring a few offs. We had a full house for a gorgeous day including a number of Seven drivers. Let's hope September 13th & 14th at Blackhawk Farms is the same.


Spots are still available for our Blackhawk Farms weekend. Please visit us at www.MVPTrackTime.com for details or to register.


Happy Motoring and I'll see you at the track!




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