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Has anyone done this? (clutch ? cont.)

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Ok, we finally got the engine-tranny out of the Birkin last night.


WOW what a tight fit! incredible! (i hope that zetec fits someday!)


anyways...we took the tranny off looking to find what was making it slip so badly, and..

there was nothing in there that said "here's the problem!"


hmmm.... well i am going to replace the tranny input shaft seal anyways, and the clutch disc and pressure plate.

the disc looked like a aftermarket piece with solid center yet stock material.

the pressure plate looked stock.


Who is a good supplier for these parts?

i looked in pegasus racing BUT i seem to have a 23 tooth spline x 7-1/2" disc, not 20 x 7.25??


dang this flywheel weighs ALLOT too!


need some parts supply suggestions. do i go through dave bean?



I'd like to know as well.

I have no idea what the particulars are for US sources.


I have some parts #'s from UK sources, but that would confuse the issue as they are the kit for a euro Ford Mondeo 1.8. AKA Ford Contour but we got the 2.0


I'd recommend you try D. Brink at Texas Motorworks.





I agree , Dick Brink should know, he even found parts for my Caterham that were not available anywhere else,nice guy too.


Here's a picture of the flywheel I used on a crossflow.


It was custom made from steel billet by a fellow I met online who lived in South Africa. He was a retired engineer for Ford (S.A.) and raced an early Escort.


The flywheel weighed 5.5 pounds, which is really too light for street use, but mine was in a formula car. It still made moving the car from a dead start a tricky deal. It could have been even lighter, but I wanted to use the stock clutch assembly.


Sure made the engine rev like a sewing machine though, and coming off corners was a lot more fun. BTW, the wheel only cost me about $100 at the time, about 10 years ago.


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1250341768_XF75 (2).jpg


Possible cause of slip might be a mismatch in "stack up" dimensions of all the components at your engine/bellhousing/tranny interfaces.

Any chance that you are preloading the throwout bearing a little at assy, and it never fully releases?

Tedious to check, but might be worth it...



Ian, i dont know!

i will surely check that possibility though! Thanks for the idea.

The slipping started mid season though and thats why i thought of the leaky seal.


WHOA!! nice flywheel! very cool.

i used a aluminum one in the A-H sprite and it was very streetable. i like it allot!


I am still looking for a good combination of flywheel-pressure plate-disc.

lots of options for formula fords, but the disc has the wrong splines.

i am also sadly cant just spend what i want, thats why i am looking to match up some good, but affordable bits.



the pressure plate looked stock.


Who is a good supplier for these parts?

i looked in pegasus racing BUT i seem to have a 23 tooth spline x 7-1/2" disc, not 20 x 7.25??



The 5 speed T9 box uses 23 splines, I believe the older 4 speeds were 20. You can buy from caterham - I believe they sell a nice AP clutch.


Have you thought about having your current flywheel lightened? Since you're driving the car on the street, I imagine you'll still want to keep some weight in it, so this might be a good option for you.


Yes i would very much consider getting the existing flywheel lightened..


But the setup i have seems to be either non-standard, or it IS a standard way of bastardizing diffrent parts to work together..


yes i have the typical 1" x 23 spline t9 box.

but the current pressure plate/flywheel is set up for a 7 1/2" clutch.


the clutch plate is a solid center 1" x 23 spline 7 1/2" disc.. which seems to complicate the whole thing because i cant seem to find this combination of parts anywhere.


most 1" x 23 discs are 8 1/2" not 7 1/2 (unless you go to a 7 1/4" racing setup or something.

the 7 1/2" discs seem to all be 7/8" x 20


so if i could fit a diffrent flywheel to the engine i could use a more standard (potentially better??) pressure plate and disc.

otherwise it seems as if i am stuck with a very stock yet very expensive prssure plate /disc.


i know the 7 1/2" has a lower moment of inertia, but i think this gets lost in the massive bulk i am spinning around in the first place.


so i am trying to find out if i can fit a lighter flywheel that will accept the 8 1/2" setup. and yet all work with the heightwise with the existing throwout bearing location and type.


uhhh...can someone explain to me what i just wrote?

  • 2 months later...

did you ever resolve your clutch problem? if so how? I need a 7.5"23t spline also and all I can find are 8.5"

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