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I live about 20 minutes away from him. definitely drop me a line when you're in the area.




You may want to touch base with Dennis as well. He's on your way back to Ohio. He'll be a good resource for you.








Thanks, I will send you a message before I leave to come out. I was in the area about a month ago to visit a client and that is when I drove over and took a look at the rotus Alec had. It needs some work but I am excited to get it. I have been dreaming of a seven type car for about 12 years now. I turned 29 today so I told my wife it is a birthday/ christmas present to myself.




I will keep in touch.






BTW, here are some pictures of your car http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif



















  • 4 months later...

Well Hagerty doesn't like that I have a carport. So they rejected my application. Other suggestions?




Let me add a few emoticons here:   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/mad5.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/cuss.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/icon_bs.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/banghead.gif




Rob Mitchell


solder_guy2007-03-30 13:30:30


Sorry to hear that. I signed up with Haggerty yesterday and I was asked several times where I would be keeping the car. Fortunately I have a locked shop as well as an attached garage.




As a data point, my premium was $484 per year with a $30k agreed price, no deductables and 4k miles per year. We'll see if that is enough (s)miles per year or not.










I have my insurance thru State Farm. It is an agreed value coverage 30k no limit on mileage. I do have my home and other auto insured thru them. I know you have to have other insurance with them for them to cover a kit car. They don't like it much, but will for thier customers. I think I pay 580.00 a year for full coverage.


Well Hagerty doesn't like that I have a carport. So they rejected my application. Other suggestions?




Let me add a few emoticons here:   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/mad5.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/cuss.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/icon_bs.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/banghead.gif




Rob Mitchell





yeah, their typical customers keep a dust cloth over the cars, polish them every weekend and drive one of their treasures up and down main street when the sun shines only. After all it is a collector's car insurance and who would expose a collector's car to the elements? I think that is part of the deal. Don't even think of mentioning track days or autox. My latest Hagerty contract practically disclaims any coverage if you even come close to a racetrack.






Don't even think of mentioning track days or autox. My latest Hagerty contract practically disclaims any coverage if you even come close to a racetrack.








The Haggerty forms I filled out asked about racing, rallying, etc. I put down that the car was used for non-competetive track events. When we talked on the phone I again explained about the track events and told them I understood that the car was not covered while on the track. They had no problem with that. I don't expect an insurance company to cover a loss on the track, BTDT.




I think the reason they rejected based on the carport is the possibility of theft and valdalism.




My only problem with Haggerty was getting them to agree to insure a car newer than their stated age limit of 1986.




I had to move up the food chain a level or two and found someone who agreed that it fit under their replicar guidelines and it is insured as a 1950 Lotus 7 with the Caterham VIN. The forms I submitted to them clearly state that the car is a 2004 Caterham SV so I don't think that leaves them any room to weasle out should I have a claim.




FWIW, they will not insure any Cobra kit car.







FWIW, they will not insure any Cobra kit car.








Because everybody knows Cobras are scary fast http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/wink5.gif

I think the reason they rejected based on the carport is the possibility of theft and valdalism.




Well I've tried 6 specialty insurance companies and they all require a locked garage. So I guess I'm going to build a plywood structure within my carport to contain my Rotus. It will probably be an ugly box into which I roll it when not in use.




So before it was not apparent that I had something special hiding in the carport .. now it's going to be very obvious that something is there.




Any better ideas or suggestions?







You might want to look into renting a storage unit or garage which could also give you a place to tinker with your car.




Right now I'm thinking of building a >Mini Garage Kit .. at the far end of the driveway .. 8' wide by 14' deep all 2x4s and plywood.




This should satisfy all the "sky is falling" insurance companies http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/yesnod.gif




I like all their kits. You can get them cheapest at >Northern Tool and Supply. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/yesnod.gif






solder_guy2007-04-07 03:08:55


I found this insurance on the the One Lap of America web site. This is a British insurance company that covers cars that are driven on the track. I sent in the form for the a quote, havent gotten it back yet but others may want to check it out.






You could have your coverage that covers the car on and off the track.





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