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A little off topic, but...

Al N.

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I am looking for a parking lot or other large paved area that is scheduled for repaving in January. Somewhere on the East Coast would be best (South is fine, and probably better due to lack of snow).




The repaving part is important, because the video we are planning to shoot there may involve some damage to the surface.





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Al, there might be a place near me (in Charlottesville). An old warehouse/factory was buldozed recently leaving a large concrete slab and what was the old parking lot. Some local car dealers have been parking their cars on it. I'm pretty sure a local bank is getting ready to build a new office on the site - starting next year I think. I can try and check it out but would probably need more details - especially in the area of 'it might get damaged'





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I am looking for a parking lot or other large paved area that is scheduled for repaving in January. Somewhere on the East Coast would be best (South is fine, and probably better due to lack of snow).




The repaving part is important, because the video we are planning to shoot there may involve some damage to the surface.








I am trying to imagine a Seven causing damage to a road surface. Perhaps you plan to drop one on the pavement from a great height?

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