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Rear Wing Protectors

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When you refer to "spats," are you referring to the rear wing protectors, or to the rear wings themselves?


I was not aware that Caterham had modernized the left rear wing mold, to account for the fact that a cutout notch and a short left rear wing is no longer needed for a rear exit exhaust -- particularly now that with the Duratecs, the exhaust exits on the other side of the car entirely! Talk about resting on tradition....


Even aftermarket wing suppliers, in both c/f and fiberglas, mimic the CC offerings, and don't seem to offer a full-length left rear wing... unless I'm mistaken..

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I was not aware that Caterham had modernized the left rear wing mold, to account for the fact that a cutout notch and a short left rear wing is no longer needed for a rear exit exhaust



No. The wing didn't change. It's still the same as the S-3 Lotus. Only the protectors where made larger in 1996. There's still a left and right part, the left being shorter.


the Duratecs, the exhaust exits on the other side of the car entirely! Talk about resting on tradition....


Give 'em a break, Duratecs have only been around a couple of years. Caterham will probably *shorten*:rolleyes: the right wing to match the left about the time they're converting to some new engine line with the exhaust back on the other side.

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