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In and Out of a Seven with roof up


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Hi all


So this is my attempt to get in and out of a Seven:P


I'm 1,88 meters (not quite sure what that is in inches:P..about 74 inches?)


Haven't worked on the way since, but I think there may be a better way.

I was quite surprised that it infact wasn't that difficult, once you find a way.


Anyway hope you like it:)






Edited by rubo
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Try putting your left foot/leg in first, then sit on the side of the car, then duck your head and upper body in, then drag your right leg in after you. Sort of a human jackknife. Let's face it, tho, there is no graceful way in or out with the top up.

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Try putting your left foot/leg in first, then sit on the side of the car, then duck your head and upper body in, then drag your right leg in after you. Sort of a human jackknife. Let's face it, tho, there is no graceful way in or out with the top up.


I tried that, but then the piping that is on the inner"carpet" on the side broke..so..quickly decided not too. and I'm a little to high for that / i can't bend that much:P..maybe yoga could help? hehe


I found out that the way of just climbing all the way on the passergerseat and then put your legs under the steering wheel and then slide down, is pretty good too.

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Those videos are the main reason I have not made a top for my 7 and besides here in Southern California you really do not need one anyway :smilielol5: and I am 6'2" or 74 inches tall also.


Have to admit I do not think anyone else has posted a video of themselves getting in or out of their seven on this site before which I find very cool and informative. :seeya:

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Those videos are the main reason I have not made a top for my 7 and besides here in Southern California you really do not need one anyway :smilielol5: and I am 6'2" or 74 inches tall also.


Have to admit I do not think anyone else has posted a video of themselves getting in or out of their seven on this site before which I find very cool and informative. :seeya:


Thanks a lot...:)


Just to prove that a 74 inches tall man actually CAN get into a Seven with a roof on.. Future buyers shouldn't be "scared":smilielol5:

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oh my...your belt buckle hit your aluminum! :ack:


yeah, we have done this a number of times now with the top and doors on, with 2 of us in the car!



anyone ever do a record of how many people you can fit inside a se7en?

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oh my...your belt buckle hit your aluminum! :ack:


yeah, we have done this a number of times now with the top and doors on, with 2 of us in the car!



anyone ever do a record of how many people you can fit inside a se7en?



i know, when i did it I thought to my self "arh daamn!" but you know.


2?..I can see how you can get the first person in, but the 2. must be a little difficult.


How about how fast to get in or out? any records? anyone?

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Thanks for the vids i just orderd my top so now ill know what to do :)


hehe yeah now you have an instruction video.


I have never used my top though...you're always driving so fast that the rainddrops don't even get into the cokpit hehe:drool:

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  • 2 months later...

Ha ha ha ask southwind25 about the birkin s3 top and how it does in the rain. I was home when they came back from a raindout trip. They were soaked to the bone complaning about how the inside of the car turned into a shower stall. If i rebember right they stuffed a towel where the cover meets the top of the wind shield... I thought it was funny.

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