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Thanks for the kind words on the gearbox. I will admit some apprehension to dealing with this - I last did an engine out in 1992 on a very simple V8 and in 1991 on my first Seven. A buddy tried to reassure me last night that its easy as it is just like sex - just get in there and f*** it up! :rolleyes:



Jim - You're a lucky man to come out of that mess safe. The highways are dangerous places for us Seven drivers because of all the muppets driving.

Wouldn't it be better to ask, "how many cones did you miss?" :smilielol5:


Then again who am I to talk.


the only part remaining on the rear passenger fender was from the lightblock down... i was working 1 station further down than from where it happened so I watched it occur as the cone went up in the air and then fender followed.:cuss:



Car was dropped off at the shop yesterday. They do alot of Porsche work plus other cars and they have worked on se7ens. they have a person they use who suppossedly did high end work. As long as its able to keep covered up for my trips to DC, Upstate, and Gettysburg i'm satisfied for this year. I can go fancy next year.


They will also fab up a cone bar for the non exhaust side and a side exit pipe to protect the other side. The front rivnuts popped this past weekend at the test'n'tune. The will figure out the quick release column and check the O2 sensors to see whats up with therough idle/stalling/low power.

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