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Newbie with thousands of questions: Seat recommendations

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I am thinking of putting racing seats in the Rotus, which has only 17 inches of room per seat. Any favorites and places to get them? Thanks for your patience with this newbie but I need just about everything for this restoration job.

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The Rotus has 4 inches more width than the Caterham. The actual seat width, though, is 17 inches. Are there any other suggestions for seating? The original Rotus seats have individual bottoms with a shared bench back. They are cool looking, but they do not offer whiplash protection and are probably not the best track seats.


Other reasonably priced options?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a pair of Kirkey 14.5 Economy drag 20 degree layback seats in my ongoing Lotus 7 replica.


Got them from Behrent's ...quick delivery, great price, great customer service...they have wider verisions available.



Just don't gain any weight.




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I have Kirkey's in mine now... you can sit in them tomorrow and see if they feel comfortable to you.


They're not too bad, but if you plan on long highway cruises, they get a bit cramped.


I've done 5 hours of straight highway in Frankn7, and I was pretty stiff when I got to my destination.

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I used to have an Ultrasheild seat but found it to be very uncomfortable on long drives. I've since upgraded to an OMP pista composite seat that is waaaaay more comfortable - is 18.5 inches wide though.

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Re UltraShield seats:

Their 2010 Pro Drag Seats came with my WCM Ultralite S2K. They can be gotten in 14, 15, ...18" inch widths at http://www.ultrashieldrace.com/prod.php?id=15. They're made of 5056 aluminum, which I found the hard way is pretty stout, having had to bend the wings in as per their directions in order to try to get the seat to fit me. What I ended up doing was trimming the wings ( and cutting and re-sewing the covers ) in order to make them something I could live with - the upper wings were perfectly in line with my elbows when steering straight-line (awkward) and interfered when I tried to steer (painful). The trimming I did didn't sacrifice the rigidity or supportiveness of the seat.

The padding is next to non-existent (recall Team Iron Butt), so I wandered by Sunshine Foam here in Cincinnati and got a sheet of "Rebond" and put 2" across the flat at the bottom and 1" at the small of my back and that should be OK. the Rebond is especially good for automotive/motorcycle applications. Good luck with your restore.



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Looking at what's available in 17 inch width.


Make sure the measurement takes into account the fabric/leather, because on this style of seat, it buttons to the outside.


I know they sell the Kirkey's in different widths, from 15" up.

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