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Brunton Stalker


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I am preparing (read saving money) to build a Brunton V6 and am curious if anyone has a copy of the "shopping list" of necessary parts that is usually sent after the kit is ordered. It may seem backwards but I would like to begin procuring parts while I "prepare" to order Kit.



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It DOES seem backwards.


I would say you can get a good start on this list by going to:






Dennis probably doesn't make this list public to non-purchasers for a reason. Maybe you ought to commit to an order (read make a deposit) and THEN ask for this proprietary information.




Maybe it's just me but that seems fair, doesn't it?

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Maybe you ought to commit to an order (read make a deposit) and THEN ask for this proprietary information.




Maybe it's just me but that seems fair, doesn't it?




Only if the deposit is 100% refundable. Customer should be able to know exactly what they're getting into before committing cash. A refundable deposit seems reasonable.

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If the tone of your response is any indication of your personality then up your tailpipe too buddy. I'm not sure what knowledge of the specific parts compatibility does to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Mr. Brunton as it would not be of much use w/o the specific chasis which would be need to be purchased from Mr. Brunton. Many kit car buyers/builders are on a tight budget. Sometimes things are more easily sourced if the time window is large and comparison shopping therefore improved. I hope the Brunton builder's forum is a friendlier place. Favtory Five lists specific parts and sells its instruction manual.andyw2007-01-27 10:09:22

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If the tone of your response is any indication of your personality then up your tailpipe too buddy.




Let's not get into a personal flame war here. Let's leave it at a disagreement.




I don't own a Stalker, but I have met Dennis' son at Carlile, and have read his posts here and there. I'm sure if you contact him, you'll get plenty of help.

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I do own a Stalker, built it myself, so let me offer a thought here.


There is a very informative forum which has all the build info, parts lists (along with suppliers/prices) plus tons of help from other builders.


Dennis has chosen to keep the forum for owner/builders only. His reasoning is simply that he feels that his customers are part of a small family and the information that they share should benifit the members. No offense meant to non-owners but it seems to be best served by doing it this way.


Not my intent to speak for Dennis in this case, just my understanding of his intention.


Once I put down my initial deposit, I was given a password to join the forum. If you ask Dennis, I'm sure he would provide you with a list of the recommended parts, but remember you are building your car. Each one of us has made decisions to do things their way when it comes to their car. Isn't that why we would build a car rather than simply buying what was available in the market place already?

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Thank you for your reply. I think I have a better handle on what Mr. Brunton is trying to do and I will be respectful of the process. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to explain it. It was never my intention to subvert this process, just to keep my eyes open for the right year and equipment s10. Thank you again, Andy W


andyw2007-01-28 05:08:47

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I had kinda the same experience while deciding on the Ultralite S2K. Brian Anderson doesnt want to release these details to protect his design. Even after I sent a deposit, the best I have been able to get from him is "the kit includes everything except wheels/tires, paint, and drivetrain". Not really an acceptible answer, but in the end I made a leap of faith on the basis of conversations and email exchanges with other Ultralite owners. While I would be happier with the kind of info that Factory Five provides, I am so fired up about the car I think its worth the gamble.




Brian did agree to a refundable deposit. And I do intend on going to Texas to meet with him and answer these questions definitively.

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In all reality, I think Dennis' idea is that the people that have a stake in the project have a right not to have kibbitzers offering ideas and opinions on a subject when they have no stake in it.




For the fellow placing an order, you will get all the info you need. The forum has a fairly complete builder's guide which you can download and print out, which has descriptions/photos on most of the phases of the build. There is also a builders photo gallery (www.stalkerv6gallery.com/gallery2/main.php) of cars in various stages of build, plus finished photos of cars, autocrosses, trips, etc. My car is Chassis #47 and is on page 4 or 5, check it out.




You won't be disappointed! I have been in "heat" with Lotus 7's since I drove a "real" series 2 back in the late 1960's. Since the real ones now command big bucks, I looked at several possiblities and settled on the Brunton for a couple of reasons. First of all, it's one of the very few that fit a "full sized" American body. Plus with all the parts available locally I didn't have to wait for the ship to arrive with the English Ford parts.




Don't get me wrong, I love the Brit Fords having owned and raced a Lotus Cortina and a Zink Formula Ford, but it is a bit of a hassle finding bits.





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If the tone of your response is any indication of your personality then up your tailpipe too buddy. I'm not sure what knowledge of the specific parts compatibility does to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Mr. Brunton as it would not be of much use w/o the specific chasis which would be need to be purchased from Mr. Brunton. Many kit car buyers/builders are on a tight budget. Sometimes things are more easily sourced if the time window is large and comparison shopping therefore improved. I hope the Brunton builder's forum is a friendlier place. Favtory Five lists specific parts and sells its instruction manual.




Dennis Brunton and his family have been to my home as has RdRocket. They are nice people. I suggest you call Dennis directly. He is an upstanding guy, an accomplished racer, and a firm believer in Se7ens. He will tell you what you need to know in preparing for the building of a Stalker. Call him, discuss it with him , he will NOT lead you wrong on what to pre-purchase for a Stalker.




I met Dennis, his son, Dave Seybold, Jack Banker, John Meyers , Cliff Speck and other Stalker owners at Run N Gun, and they all love their cars and, like all us kit car builders, will talk with you, and help you and do everything they can to insure your build is as smooth as possible. His website, http://www.bruntonauto.com/ has great detail on the car, and should answer many of your questions.




Dennis and RdRocket are both friendly and helpful people, and are both well versed in the building and driving of competitive cars. Let's keep this forum a friendly and helpful place as well.

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Hi, I too own a Stalker. Chassis #20.




I started exactly the same way you did... I think the tendency comes with the same gene that has us building our own cars in the first place.   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/coolgleamA.gif




I called, I talked, I sent my down payment, I started searching for parts 6 months before I went to get the kit. Then I got the kit and everything changed. Suddenly I found that I didn't want to use the cheap, secondhand parts that I had sourced earlier. I wanted to put quality parts into the build because suddenly it mattered a lot to me. I still used a few of the parts I had found earlier, but I wouln't do it that way again. I'd wait and see how I feel about it after I start building the car.




All I can say is call Dennis, he is a great talker, a genuinely nice guy and very knowledgeable. He has put a lot of time into designing the kits he sells. All the components work extremely well together. The build is very straightforward. And, the car, once you are done with it, will be everything you hope it to be.





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I built chassis #10 in 2003 and love it. You will not be disappointed. If you want to take a "pretend" ride you can check out my You Tube video. It's about 10 minutes long and not professional but it was fun to do.



Jack Banker, Indianapolis

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Jack, I loved the second comment on your YouTube video:




Do you ever stop at stop signs, or are they for other people? At least you used your turn signal, sometimes.




http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/rofl.gif Tell the guy it's what we on the left coast call a "California stop", it's the intent that counts.   http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/coolgleamA.gif

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I thought I did a pretty good job at the stop signs. Good thing the guy could not read my speedo and see the posted speed limits !!



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Jack-Since Orange has been sitting on a battery tender since oh, about mid November, your vid was a nice reminder of what fun our little cars are. Thanks for the post.-Al








Speaking of which...I hope Dennis B. and all the Brunton folks appreciated the props I gave them in my comments following Gert's star turnon Jalopnik.com recently. It's all about marque-inclusiveness, baby. Al Navarro2007-02-16 13:08:01

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