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I have a problem with this list. It's supposed to be the 100 greatest cars of all time and I get to 95 and see a Hummer H1? It's a truck, not a car. And it's not that great.


Oh great,,, another top 100 cars of all time, and by no less an authority than Edmonds!

Wow, I can sure see why Edmonds is the "go to" car authority!

Hey it includes the; Jeep Wagoneer, BMW 7 Series, 1981 IROC-Z, Porsche Panamera, Nissan Leaf, I could just keep listing all of the great cars, but you get the point.

Although I do agree with the Lotus 7 being in there!


Long ago I came to the realization that no "Top X List" is remotely accurate unless I've compiled it myself. And in those cases...well the list is bloody brilliant! :D




I guess their point is that some of these were "turning point or benchmark" cars. That doesn't mean that things weren't turning down or a new low benchmark wasn't being set. LOL.


Seems they also overlooked the Lotus Elite (original) series from 1958-63. Certainly a far more extensive and groundbreaking feat of engineering/production for a fledgling company such as Lotus. Not without it's faults, of course, but many others on the list have their "issues", too.


I'm just happy to have an example of the 7 and the Elite.

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