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From the looks of the crash his car went "top first" into the post and cable Catch barrier. We can only hope he did not get time to know it was happening. That seems to be about the only part of the car they can't protect with a crush zone. Even the "new" Indy car still has to put the drivers head up where he can see and there will always be the chance of a situation like Sundays.


I get teary eyed watching fellow track-mate's reactions and the five laps they rode in his honor. Its very sad but we all accept certain calculated risks of living... and racing.


I'm happy to have survived all the situations I got myself into throughout my 46 years and still believe its better to die living than to live dying. Some of us are just luckier than others.


My understanding is that the rollhoop was torn from the car when it went into the fence. I can only imagine that the head trauma was horiffic. Many are calling for enclosed cockpits. For any of us that watch LeMans or saw the shunt that Allan McNish had, a closed cockpit saved his life, no doubt about that.


Dan was a good guy, sucks...could have been one of the greats.


See parallel thread in "Off Topic."


Most of the Wheldon car's in-camera video cuts off right after the chain-reaction crash begins (see clip in "Off Topic"), and goes to longer-distance or aerial views. But the clip from the Wheldon car shown on NBC news continued on while the car goes over Tracy's car airborne, and up toward the catch fence....


Mercifully, the scene was so fast and so chaotic that no details are apparent..... i don't want to see it again.


I was at the track as part of the LOG 31 group. It was confusing and sad when the announcement was made.

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