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Rotus Upgrade - Part 1 is done


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A couple more welds and this side will be standing on its own :)







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Well, she's standing on her own two feet... barely.


The change in geometry of the front is significant. Before, the lever ratio for the spring was 1.1 (1" wheel travel = 1.1" spring pickup point travel), and the spring was almost upright.


Now, the ratio is .82, and the spring is at about 45 degrees, so as you can see, my 225 lb spring is cranked all the way, and the car is still leaning to that side. I need about a 430 lb spring to have the equivalent of what I had.

It was a tad stiff before, so I'll try 375 or 400 lb springs. The good news is, before, my shocks almost had no adjustment range... out of 1 - 15, by the time I got to 5 or 6, I might as well had a steel rod in there. Now I should have better adjustability there.




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Well, it's time for a beer :cheers: Wheel is bolted up, and she's standing on her own. I did several drop tests by taking the car up, and releasing the jack. So far so good :D


The Aarms for the other side are about half done. I have to order some more goodies from McMaster to take care of the steering, and should be good to go... probably another week or so.



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Still a long way to go, but most of the problems ahead of me are simple ones. Last night, I finished the other lower Aarm, and I still have 2 more welds for the other upper one. It sucks living in a development. Can't grind outside because of neighbors, can't grind in the garage because kids are sleeping just above :banghead:


Steering tierods are the next big thing, and after that, I just have to adapt the brake line fittings, get the right length bolts, and align her.

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You can't rest.... 7-7-7 is coming...got to keep working :crazy: :crazy:


Me too .. BIG time ...


Can't grind outside because of neighbors, can't grind in the garage because kids are sleeping just above :banghead: ..


Yeah .. I'm working in a carport after hours .. after dark .. and I'm always afraid of disturbing the neighbors who sleep twenty yards away ..


Steering tierods are the next big thing ...


Save the old ones .. for us Rotus mortals!




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Both Aarms are done :hurray:


Time for another beer :cheers: (Pretty soon I'll need to get more beer)




Taking a break tomorrow to join fellow seveners at Carlisle :thumbs:



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Well, got to spend a couple more hours today, and got the tierods done.




To get the approximate length of the tierod tubes, I wanted to doublecheck them on the car. As a quick and dirty cross check, I used a laser level (on the middle tire) to shine a beam on one of the grooves of the rear tire, and used that as a reference point to make sure the front wheel is reasonably straight. It's not good enough for alignment, but is accurate enough to make sure I have the right length tierod and adequate toe adjustment.




Although the car won't be done by this weekend, my goal is to take her for a test drive on Saturday.

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what a frustrating night... went from parts store to parts store to try to find a way to adapt the brake line fittings. No luck :banghead:

Not sure what you are trying to adapt but I found most parts stores have lengths of pre-made brake line with a fitting on each end.


For my clutch line I needed to connect the Caterham master cylinder to the metric Mazda slave cylinder.


I bought one line with metric flare nuts and one with British flare nuts. I cut off one end of each, moved a metric flare nut onto the British line and made a new flare. The metric end goes into an afertmarket Miata braided line and on to the Miata solid tubing the rest of the way to the slave cylinder.



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I've done that before, and that's what I was hoping to find... but oddly enough I couldn't find any that fit either the old fitting, or the new one with the caliper.


I was at a Carquest store earlier today that had the individual ones in his hand. I'll go back in tomorrow. Hopefully I can get something together.


Advanced Auto stores are hopeless.

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Do you have an aeroquip store around? We actually have two custom hose shops around that mainly deal with heavy equipment but they are open to the public.


Does this mean you will be selling your old braided stainless brake lines? I need them. I have the crappy rubber ones with springs around them and they are going to break any time now.

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