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Does anyone know if there is a side-view mirror that will fit onto the vertical edge of the windshield frame, using the brackets that are normally used for side wind deflectors? I am hoping to add a side mirror without having to do any additional drilling on the car. Thank you.


I mounted a Raydot competition mirror using a simple bracket that most Factory Five guys use. Its a very simple affair that could easily be made in your garage.


The wind wing pegs remain available for use. You can see the image in the for sale listing for the 2002 birkin.


good luck




Look at Speedway or E-bay, for the type of mirror that clip on to the rain gutter seam use in the 40s and 50s cars. They clamp on with two small set screws. No holes required but will leave marks where it is clamped on the windshield up-right.

Dave W


I have a set of Racetech mirrors that attach to the center screw hole of the windshield frame. Here :http://www.racetechdesign.com/index_files/Page499.htm I got them from the UK but the guy is no longer in business. When I needed a replacement lens I contacted http://www.race-parts.com . Sevens and Elans advertises a kit that also uses the existing holes but I have no experience with it. http://www.sevenselans.com/partsforsale.htm




I have the windscreen frame adaptors from Seven & Elans, for the Spa c/f mirrors, and they work fine. No new holes needed.

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