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Robert O. Urfer

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Everything posted by Robert O. Urfer

  1. When I sold my car I spoke to guy in California who worked on the rotus project and sai there were a few cars built with a re geared rack that made it steer correctly. He said there were only 2 or hree of them. He believed our cars were the ones. Anything after those cars were "shit". He was interested in buying my car but then balked.
  2. You really are starting from scratch. I will have to come back out and get a ride in the new improved franken7 and compare it the origional. I expect it will be extremly different.... or at the very least, extreme!!!
  3. I must say that I am jealous. I have sold mine only because I lost my job at the end of the year and have had to live off of my toy money per my wifes rules. If I can find something soon I will be back in the game sooner than later. I am starting to have major withdrawl. My Merkur XR4TI just doesn't do it for me like a 7 does.:7rain:
  4. I am very very very..... jealous:)
  5. I saw that thing on ebay and t is about an hour from me. I may go look at it and see what it is exactly. I don't think I will buy it unless it is less than $1000 because it is kind of laughable as a 7 clone. Maybe I could trade it for the SR27:)
  6. $30,000 for that car is an awesome price. If only I had the means right now........:cry:
  7. As someone who just recently sold a Rotus on ebay. I would say, put the car on ebay and see what the market will bear. I had inquiries from so many people that had no idea these forums exist and they have money. Needless to say I sold my car for more than twice what I had in it and I had a line of people to buy it. My first buyer backed out and the second buyer drove here with CASH and a trailer the day I called him. In my opinion your car is worth $30,000 Because it looks to be top quality and just plain bad ass! but it's something not many have seen or heard of and has little history. If your goal is to build these cars and sell them in quantity, I would reccomend either going super high end and asking $100,000 for a hand built bad ass car or sell a few of them for little or no profit and get some cars out and create some excitement. Those are my thoughts. I would love to have the SR27 in my stable, unfortunately It is not in the budget for probably 2 to 5 years.
  8. Bump. now on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6472&viewitem=&item=300220199266&_trksid=p3907.m29
  9. I am at a point where I want to sell my toy and do something else. Below are the specifics. 1985 Rotus 7 #21 of about 60 built Built Toyota 3tc motor with 5 speed gear box 30,000+ miles Front suspension rebuilt last year Toyo RA1 Tires on BBS Wheels Caterham Seats Side Curtain/ Doors Comes with: New wiring kit New water pump New rear Fenders New Caterham Tail lamps New Tubular exhaust manifold Spax Caterham rear shocks and springs other random parts Needs: Rewire New Guages Rear Suspension rebuilt Top and Tonneau redone Other little odds and ends could be done A great start for soomeone to get into a 7 or great chassis for a V8 conversion Pics can be found: http://usa7s.com/aspnetforum/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=1619 Feel free to email or call for more info urfc@hotmail.com 419-290-1535 Car is located in Toledo, Ohio Price $10,999 OBO Thanks for the bandwidth
  10. you could always do it in 3" or 4". LOL!!!
  11. Find an exhaust shop that has a mandrel pipe bender. Usually one that does exhaust for semi's. They can make smooth bends. It may cost you 50- $100 but it will be done right and done quick.
  12. Hey Mazda! The site upgrade looks great!!
  13. http://cgi.liveauctions.ebay.com/8102-Lotus-Super-7-replica-car-Honda-S2000_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ28195QQihZ013QQitemZ230236980549QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW#la-image-2 Interesting car. I like the width of the rear tires. Mazda you need something that wide to hook the v8.:7head:
  14. I Think I Should do this to my Rotus. I have been toying with upgrading and maybe instead of getting rid of it I should make it more of a death trap.:7head:
  15. that car is bad ass. Can I lease it to buy:) Or is there layaway?
  16. I think the car looks good but it is a little myterious. The auction company is RM auctions out of Ypsilanti Michigan. The cars location is stated as Florida but the cars' license plate looks like it is from quebec canada.
  17. That car looks awesome. One day I will own one that nice. In the mean time I have my beater 7.:7drive:
  18. I went to the dealership in Detroit last summer to see this car. It is absolutely beautiful. The owner of the dealership onl drove it down the road once supposedly. He said it had so much torque he bent something in the rear suspension. He could have been full of bologne. He wanted $100,000 for it then. Cool car but hard to jusify the money. I have about 10% of that in my car and I feel comfortable drivng it anywhere and I don't have to polish it every 3 days. Good luck on the sale :7head:
  19. Dear 7 I am in Houston until Monday with my wife and daughter, visiting my mother in law. I would be more than happy to meet any 7 owners in the area. I could use a good blat to ease the estrogen overdose I have been receiving since coming here on Friday. Sincerely, in need of a ride Houston via Toledo, Ohio :7fume:
  20. I second the Merkur as a great alternative to the 7 for the winter or for a cheap daily driver. I have had 15 of them over the last 14 years and plan on buying a couple more shortly. I sold my last one in pieces to finance my 7 purchase which by far is the most fun you can have for the $. Merkurs are just damn fun cars to drive and can be modded to be incredibly quick for next to nothing and the engines are bullet proof. O.K. if you haven't figured it out I kind of have a fettish for Merkurs.:jester:
  21. There are many Merkur enthusiasts in ohio and especially near akron. Check out merkursport.com or merkurclub.com and you should find what you are looking for.T9 trannies as far as I know were only used in the merkur here in the states. I upgraded my Merkur when I had it,with a T5 which is much stronger and not much heavier if any.
  22. I will take a pic and post it tomorrow.
  23. As the title states. i pulled a fender off yesterday andtried to line up the new coveland fender but the rotus has a bit of an anlge in the rear where the fender hits the body so I will have an ugly gap. not sure how I am going to tackle this yet. Plus the coveland fenders are about 1/2 an inch narrower than rotus fenders.:nonod: Lame!:cry:
  24. http://usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/418678417_100_1281.JPG http://usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/2111655183_leftside007.jpg http://usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/209407919_back007.jpg
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