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Richard Hoffman

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  1. I second JeffersonRaley's post above. The Texas DMV actually published an Assembled and Rebuilt Vehicle Manual in April 2017 and it is available on-line. It is pretty detailed and pretty custom/hot rod/replica friendly (I recently obtained a temporary Texas tag for my Tom Carlin built Birkin under the guidance of the manual). I haven't researched the rules prior to this manual but the new manual does not exclude "kit cars" as a category and actually provides guidance for titling them. It does very clearly exclude "dune buggies" and "vehicles designed for off road use only". Procedures to title "Replicas" are clearly laid out-just a little tedious. RH
  2. Thanks for the good wishes. Feeling a little survivor guilt right now as my family has been fortunate to avoid the flooding so far. But you don't have to go but a few blocks to see the full effect of bayous out of their banks. I would describe most of Houston as flooded with some high and dry areas. And, it's not over yet. Come to think of it, when the weather is over, the hard part will just be starting.
  3. Anyone using Quickjack or similar who would like to express an opinion or make a recommendation? I would be using it with my wide body Birkin.
  4. Tom, I'll stay in touch in case I can drop by and say Hi and observe for a while. Do you have a schedule for activities? Richard Hoffman
  5. 7mroadster, please PM me and let's exchange contacts. I am also in Houston and have built an ss3xs with Tom Carlin (TBox56). Expect delivery in a few weeks.
  6. Toedrag, when first registering, do you have to tow the car to weight station, inspection etc or is there some temporary tag available?
  7. Great looking build..... I am also building an ss3xs in Houston with the absolutely fantastic support of Tom Carlin remotely from Eagle, Co. Where are you located? Also, I really like the color of yours - do you have the color code? Richard Hoffman
  8. Can anyone describe the process for registering a new built 7 in Texas?
  9. Thanks for the replies. Mine is the SS3XS. I am building it up as a street car with a little track day use.
  10. If you live reasonably close to Houston and are a Birkin, Lotus 7 or Caterham 7 owner, please share your contact with me. I am in the early stages of my Birkin S3 build and could use some local build advice now and then. Also, would like to know of area outlets for track days, gatherings and other events.
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