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Joe Petty

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Everything posted by Joe Petty

  1. Just noticed your project yesterday, might look like a lot to do but remember it is a small car! I had my local window guy cut and seal my windshield, and I think he just used some type of black liquid sealer. You may try Fairchild Industries, they have all kinds of automotive weatherstrip. I don't remember where I got the windshield to body seal, but I think that is fairly available. Good Luck! Joe
  2. Congratulations AZFast1, this looks like a very nice project! According to numbers I have seen, there were around 1300 7-S2 cars produced and in spite of the age and low numbers, most parts are available if you don't mind spending some time searching the Internet. This is mainly due to Lotus design, where they were masters of "Outsourcing". I would suggest Doug Fraser's Internet log "The Saga of LSB 2072" as a good read tracking a very well documented rebuild. As for the bonnet, get all the measurements you can; both edges, and the front and back "hoops". Lotus and Caterham have made slight adjustments to body and chassis specs over the years and finding parts that fit correctly can be a challenge. Of course these cars were not that tight to begin with and then they got twanged racing... One fellow built his own bonnet using a telephone pole to form the sides, I used a 3" exhaust pipe to form my air scoop, so lots of room for creativity! Good Luck! Joe
  3. I recently changed the clutch in my 7 and cut the heads off some 6" bolts to use as alignment guides. Cheap solution and worked very well! Good Luck!
  4. For my '62 I went with Bumblebee wire and Rajay clips. Just keep your hands clear of the naked tops of the spark plugs! Good Luck!
  5. I get used towels from a local hotel for polishing. They do a good job, they are big and I throw them away when they get all black.
  6. I had a similar situation with my 1962 S2 Seven, ex-racer with minimal wiring (all in red and black). The good news is that there are very few wires and scant accessories! I searched eBay for a late model MGB harness, stripped it and cleaned all the wires and built my own using the color guide and the above diagram as a guide. Fortunately, my voltage regulator, fuse box and switches were still in their original places, so I had some idea what the end result should look like. My harness is in 2 parts: underdash + forward and rear lights. The rear harness connects to the forward harness near the front of the transmission tunnel. I added fused relays for the headlights since I did not like the idea of all that amperage going through multiple dashboard switches. Since you have done a Bugeye, you will have no problem once you set your mind to this! Good Luck - Joe
  7. I always thought it was more of a marketing ploy than anything else. This was the era of the Humber Super Snipe, Chevrolet Impala Super Sport... Most of these had larger engines and upgraded trim packages. For the 7 it meant a wood-rim steering wheel! :deadhorse:
  8. Are you going to use this with the 3 bolt adapter at the end of the tailhousing (Integral Remote) or the 4 bolt adapter near the front of the tailhousing? My experience is that this one will only work with the 4 bolt adapter setup.
  9. Europa Spares in the UK
  10. Assuming that you will be racing this, make sure it will be accepted by the organization you want to run with and classified properly. Get all the documentation you can! Good Luck!
  11. Good advice: check the spec but verify to be sure! There are lots of slight differences and interchangeability between Herald/Spitfire/GT6 and over the years owners upgrade for safety and availability, so log serial numbers and measurement to be sure what you have. You may also look back through your records and receipts and see what may have been installed. This also applies to the Ford engine and transmission. If you don't have Dave Bean's "English Ford Racers Catalog" I would highly recommend you find one. It's out of print for years, but they do show up. Great looking car and certainly looks like it has been well cared for, GOOD LUCK!!
  12. "Starter Kit" for $100 This was a start of a rollbar for my 7 1 1/2" bar. 1/8" wall, the hoop is 16 3/4" high and 34 1/2" wide (outside to outside). There is also an 8' length for the brace. I can deliver to the Mitty this weekend. http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=15276&stc=1 Joe 904-524-9717
  13. My old 7 has the original 2x6 suction cup mounted rear view mirror and it is quite inadequate, especially for a right-hand drive car. I tried a 4 panel wink that is just as wide as the windshield and was not happy. The view was kind of "jagged" and I found the mirror annoying when I had to view a traffic light. Seemed like I was craning my neck to look over or under the mirror! Now I am using a Yamaha golf cart convex mirror and it seems to be working pretty well. I fabricated mounts that use the roof snap studs, so no modification to the windshield frame was needed. Joe
  14. Europa Spares in the UK has a good reproduction latch as well as an assortment of alternatives. If the latch is loose, you can elongate the upper bolt holes, raise the upper clip slightly and the flange will still cover the bolt holes. This will work on the upper part of the latch where the holes are in the bonnet, not so for the lower part which usually goes into the frame bar. If you want to add a strip of insulation, "Scott" makes some really thick (1"x.065") insulation tape. Good luck and measure carefully! Joe
  15. Needless to say, it has been a stressful and exhausting month or so. Let me make a few notes on some of the things that I have learned or at least the way I experienced them. - Dial 911 to call the Police immediately If you see the theft in progress - Do not approach - Set off your car alarm with your clicker - Take pictures with your phone - Stay out of harm's way When the police arrive, have your drivers license and all your license numbers or VINs ready. I did not have the license number for my van and the police would not report that as "Stolen" until I got it. Eventually I got the VIN from my insurance co, but having that ready would have made things a lot smoother. My wife's solution is to take pictures of all the plates and registrations with your phone, then email them to yourself. Fortunately, my vehicles were recovered and I did not suffer a huge loss. The wrecker yard will require your drivers license and registration/title and cash. I did not have insurance on the trailer and that was a mistake! It is certainly reasonable ($16/6 months) and would have covered the towing/storage fees. Florida has a $250 cap on vehicle contents, so try not to leave a lot in the vehicle, particularly anything that is irreplaceable. It will take 4-5 days for the police report to be available. The only way to get an Incident report is to appear in person at the police station. You can get a Collision report mailed to you, but not an Incident report. There is a per page charge for the report and they may redact parts of it. Be mindful that they are conducting an investigation and how they go about it is their business. I have thought a lot about how to prevent or discourage theft, but I think that is a different topic and I will look for an appropriate thread or create one. Thanks to all - Joe
  16. As Gabriel Heatter would say - "There's good news tonight!" My car was recovered in Doraville, Ga, probably within 10 miles of where it was stolen and a suspect arrested. I'll know more once I get up there, but right now hurricane Michael is making it difficult. Thanks to all and I will update as more comes clear. :hurray: Joe
  17. Yes, please feel free to grab anything you see posted here and copy to SimpleSevens. I have Chris T. (Sevens and Elans) and Tom Bungay (Legacy Motorcars) both local and with personal knowledge of my car for valuation/appraisal. Thanks for your help and interest - Joe
  18. Thanks - Joe
  19. Police say this is not that uncommon, they steal the rig and open it up to see what's inside. They asked me several times if I left the key in the van, finally realized that 2005 was before the "smart keys" with the chip in them. Without the chip, they just slim-jim the door and pop out the ignition cylinder and drive off. 10K spectators at the show, so hard to say who or why.
  20. I apologize for the frequent "bumps", but I am in a 2 week window before the insurance declares a total loss, so I am hoping for a quick sighting/recovery. Updated 9/14 STOLEN : 1962 Lotus 7 - Ford Van - HaulMark Trailer Sat 9/8 8PM to Sun 9/9 7AM Hotel Parking Lot: Hampton Peachtree Corners, 440 Technology Pkwy, Norcross, Ga 30092 The Van and Trailer were recovered Wed (9/12) in Chamblee, Ga Lotus 7 is still missing 1962 Dark Green/Aluminum Lotus 7 SB1478 - Fl Lic: 62 SEVEN Dark Green fenders and nose with polished aluminum Red interior and dash 1500cc Pre-Crossflow Cosworth Ford This is a real Lotus 7 Series 2 restored to original condition. These are some of the easily identified (and hard to disguise features): - Right hand drive - Wooden steering wheel - 155x13 tires on Minilite rims - Air scoop on left side of hood - Tow ring under right front frame rail While these features "may not hold up in court", I did a nut and bolt rebuild of this car and can provide photos, details and unique modifications. If you see this car on the road or advertised, call the police, then call me! Don't be a hero and don't fall for a scam! Thanks - Joe Petty (904) 524-9717 joepettyjr@yahoo.com Here is a picture from the Norcross show, it was stolen later that night. The bonnet is behind the car leaning against the chain link fence. http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=14562&stc=1
  21. Lotus still missing Van and trailer have been recovered in Chamblee, Ga. Ignition switch damaged, but otherwise sounds like the van and trailer are OK Thanks to all - Joe
  22. Sure will! Thanks - Joe
  23. More info now that I have started digging through paperwork! STOLEN : 1962 Lotus 7 - Ford Van - HaulMark Trailer Sat 9/8 8PM to Sun 9/10 7AM Hotel Parking Lot: Hampton Peachtree Corners, 440 Technology Pkwy, Norcross, Ga 30092 2005 Gold Ford Van ---- Fl Lic: DXW W26 Chateau window van Gold(Light Brown) with Dark brown lower panel Tinted windows, small Lotus and motorcycle stickers on back door 2007 White 20' HaulMark Enclosed Trailer - Fl Lic: HXD F27 Rear door/ramp, single side door "JOE PETTY 904-524-9717" bumper sticker on front Small Lotus, Barber and motorcycle stickers on back No marking on sides Recessed white wheels with 2" fenders 1962 Green/Aluminum Lotus 7 - Fl Lic: 62 SEVEN Right hand drive, wooden steering wheel, full windshield Dark Green fenders and nose - polished aluminum hood, sides and rear Red interior and dash Minilite style alloy wheels, steel wheel on spare mount Note: Both Alloy and Steel wheels were in trailer Rear braced roll bar, white tonneau cover ID number SB1478 Any info please contact Joe Petty (904) 524-9717 joepettyjr@yahoo.com http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=14554&stc=1 The Rig Thanks
  24. STOLEN Saturday night (9/9) from Hotel after Norcross British Fayre: Gold 2005 Ford Van, White 20' Enclosed HaulMark Trailer, Green and Polished Aluminum 1962 Lotus 7 - Joe Petty (904)524-9717
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