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    bethesda maryland

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  1. I am looking for an s17 and Donna Mae is not a contact I can find? lotusman1951@gmail.com Kevin
  2. Hi, We parted on price some time ago I offered 6 you wanted 7, I hope you found a home, If not maybe me Kevin Kearney=lotusman1951@gmail.com
  3. Briggs I am in need of ford/lotus engine and gearbox kevin 3012298820
  4. my offer was declined
  5. Nostalgia has me daydreaming about coastal California touring in a naked X-flow S3 lotus clone. It was offered in Hemmings, noted by Croc, I made an offer and I wonder if this goes towards sale I would appreciate a lotus loony like myself to give it a look. I owned a pre-lit sprite based series 1 westfield 7-and other sevens since. This is a consignment sale at Classic Cars West. These cars can have horrid frame coating peeling, is it a cable or hydraulic clutch, 711 block or earlier, that sort of stuff. Perhaps the owner is within our group. These later S3 Cortina, verses the earlier sprite cored S1 versions resulted in 120 LHD/RHD Pre litigation Westfield 7s, Caterham was threatened with the less expensive with improved front and rear suspensions than the Caterham of that time. Thanks for advice
  6. Yes I chased that ad. The dealer has disappeared, I have contacted the Arizona lotus club, no luck. I bought it as a roller. It had been a SEMA show car for the Miami Cosworth distribtor Select Sales Ian McKensie, Installed a YBM from the UK. Ran it for 10 years did 5000 miles, sold it bought a Krypton Green Elise, did 5000 miles in 1 year. Sold that and bought a NC Miata-and lived happily ever after. Obviously deranged.
  7. Wish to find and buy my former 7, Sold about 10 years ago to someone in Arizona, Last seen in Green and yellow, roll bar, racing screen. lotusman1951@gmail.com
  8. It Seems that the 7 that I am interested in has the right numbers. Climax in race trim where are values for such toys? Now to haggle, sold 18 months earlier for 33k on BAT, seller wants more. How much more is where I am at, Advice? Alternatives?
  9. For me in older age there is an appreciation of elemental harmony in the doodling design that was a schoolboys dream-Design # 7, His first pure front suspension, His first use of Rack and pinion steering! Sub 1000 pounds. Of the 243 S1 Sevens released through Lotus perhaps 300 are about today? The challenges of finding a real Seven-just on the age of mild steel tubing rusting from the inside and out, some steel repair, some panel corrosion -normal Seven stuff, that and whole frame building, or Pre-Lit Westfield S1 7s, Many Others-Mike Brotherwood will send you a frame. I enlist the help of John Watson, Historic Lotus Register-on previous searches--You need to match the frame makers number, stamped into the tube in front of the left seat. That and the Lotus Data plate with Numbers from the 400-800 ish. That these 2 sets of numbers match records. Years ago I subcontracted from a shop near Middleberg to put together a S1/7, for an owner in Fairfax, I got the car back to the shop as a roller in Miata British Racing Green-If folks know of where this car is today-it might have been used as Garage Art? An long time Lotusman Larry Scauff-moved away with a Seven S1 in his life-I sold him a 1275A and Westfield S!/7 fenders. Anyone know about this car? If you can refer me to a known S1 seven , My best choice would be 1.5 Climax Dedion, Disc's, and dare I like wobbly wheels, Compromising all the way to side valve ford with 3 speed. For this I would be most grateful, to the tune of 5% for a done sale- Like I said-I view these cars as Mobile Art, and as history, so striving for reality. Kevin Kearney lotusman1951@gmail.com
  10. will buy kevin 3012298820 lotusman1951@gmail.com
  11. I can do this if available kevin 301 229 8820 lotusman1951@gmail.com
  12. would like to buy 3012298820
  13. Been thinking about the second generation of Panoz roadsters as a next. Very little out there, 2300 pounds, 4 cam, 4 valve alloy V8, IRS, air conditioned. Strange and ugly like Allard J2s. I have been 7 less for a decade, went into Elises, run a lightened/cammed retired MGTD race car now-and thinking Panoz. I wonder if there are quirks with this choice, beyond, heat, noise and vibration, If anyone knows about the availability of SB1881 DSK7 frame with YBM-my search might sway away from Panoz. Thanks Kevin
  14. wish to buy lotusman1951@gmail.com
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