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trough doctor

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    oshawa ontario
  1. so i guess this means your not coming down to look at my deman sr7 i have for sale? congrats. nothing like a 7!
  2. Driving on the right side must have altered your sense of direction, I'm west of Bowmanville...lol No more 7's for me. I found the one. Are you still looking?
  3. congrats. Too bad about replies #2,3 and 5. Sure is nice to have all those positive comments when trying to sell something.
  4. Only 1 wife and two small children. When opportunity knocks...........
  5. hey kitcat, I've got you beat with 3 sevens! The latest being a Deman sr7 with busa power. I see no need for 3 so the 76 caterham and 1991 centaur are for sale. although it would be nice to keep a spare if the deman needed some work done to it.
  6. I am also considering the dunlops. How is the gravel intake?
  7. Sorry to hear that. Better safe than sorry. My Caterham will be up for sale shortly. Three sevens is two too many (not counting the locost frame and body work in the basement). Hoping to trade the centaur(green 7) for a Harley. Recently acquired Deman sr7 with hayabusa power and right hand drive.
  8. I would be interested.Can you ship to canada?
  9. I have a Caterham kit assembly manual dated 1990 no pictures and a few drawings that came with my 76 cat. (for sale soon, I now have 3, latest Hayabusa powered Deman sr7) You are welcome to come down and take a look and photocopy the manual if you like
  10. Its now in my garage along with the 76 caterham(soon to be for sale). The rotary powered 7 (for sale) was moved outside on the driveway and tarped. Picked it up and had delivered via flat bed on saturday. The engine and tranny are toast and will require a new(used) one. Will not be in a huge rush to find a replacement engine but will be on the lookout. Was contemplating a bec scratch build but with two small children and work it would be many years and countless hours on the internet before it was done. I had looked at this car when it was for sale a couple of years ago but was'nt able at the time to get close enough to thier asking price. It was owned by a lady in her late 40's! (i'm guessing) The deman is longer and wider than the cat,which is fairly easy to see. Once seated in the sr7 it feels more like a cadillac compared to the caterham. I am only 5' 6" and cannot see the left fender and the steering wheel feels a bit too far away when the seat is adjusted for my legs. Some padding for the seat will definately be on the to do list. Hopefully I will have it up and running before the snow flies.
  11. Hi Ron, Derek with the 76 cat in oshawa here. What year was the kit manufactured? what year was the car first registered? Just because the ownership says 1973 does'nt mean thats the way customs will view it. Kit cars are often registered as the year of the model they are meant to resemble. You may need to prove that the car is atleast 15 yrs old. You would probably want/ need dmv records from 1996 or prior to ensure a smooth transfer. Especially considering the modern fuel injected engine. I know you have bought and imported cars before and are aware of the obstacles. I am probably a little more paranoid than most. Just thought I would mention it. BTW Great looking car and price!
  12. Sorry to everyone who was planning on attending (ptrxly and twobone). I was still holding out hope that someone would want to take it over as i was in contact with mosport. Unfortunately at this point it seams highly unlikely. If some one wants to take it over the day will have to be transfered into their name. I am willing to fore go my $1400.00 deposit, as it seems I will lose it anyway. I do appologize for any plans or days booked off people may have made in anticipation of this event.
  13. Congratulations twobone for being nominated ( by me) as the most psychotic seven owner in Canada. Its one thing to get caught in such weather, but to start out in these conditions nowing full well what lies ahead is quite another. Hats off to you for taking advantage of every opportunity to put some miles on your cat. How was the flea market? Did you buy anything?
  14. Sorry twobone, a local shop quoted me $125 plus taxes installed each. He also wasnt sure if he would still be able to get them. It seems you could probably save close to $100 on a set after installation if purchased online. I was looking at the 185 60's. I wanted to keep the same size on all four to allow me to rotate back to front. I am feerful a 205 tire will make the steering feel heavy and dull the overall quickness of the car.
  15. Thanks for the kind words. Although this car is not as fast as my other 7 replica(being put up for sale soon), it handles better, has a nicer ride and makes a great sound. Not to mention rain gear and a windshield. I think the nieghbors like this one better too. I have some tiding up of the engine bay to do. Stay tuned for under bonnet pics. Even though I dont want a steady diet of sand and gravel, i think anything short of a dot r compound will be a disappointment. Is a 205 tire too much for the front of the car? what will i be giving up?
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