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Everything posted by UglyFast

  1. I laughed til I got tears in my eyes John. I really did. Thank you. And it's not you guys at all, it's the 1978 &$&($&?&)&(@&/ user interface here. Long story short I oversaw a bunch of very smart teams in a secret govt software lab for a few years, and no matter what the actual product or goal was for that sprint my mandate always came back to "it's too many clicks". No joke. I post on IG so much you'd think I was a teenage girl, butt it's cause it's two clicks easy! I'll throw you guys some love. Hang on.
  2. Don't get it twisted, bitches, it is Violently Violet 😉 ! (trademark applied for) jk but I might make a t-shirt. Lol.
  3. I love a good zip tie car. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. This is the reason I haven't washed my own cars in a decade and professionals have. I mostly drive an old Land Cruiser that has NEVER been washed cause it's held together by dirt, duct tape and chicken wire, no joke.
  5. I mean I "bottled" it at the water fountain. Jk, yeah, distilled. I need a professional detailer to do their thing. I'm the past when I have washed cars, I spent hours and they never looked much cleaner, just more damp. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Oh shoot, almost forgot to drop this. Yeehaw MFs
  7. Oh hey y'all. What's new? Anyone have anything interesting for the group this Friday evening? No one? Nothing? Oh well. I'll go. I didn't do much today, "washed" my car today, sprinkling it with bottled water. First time for everything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯ Anyway, y'all have a good night. Wink wink lol
  8. She's here. 😘🤫😈
  9. Probably 10,000 stale chocolate biscuits. Lol
  10. That's whassup beaches!!!
  11. Tis true, tis true. I make up excuses to drive it NEARLY every day. I did so today. And yesterday.
  12. Hopefully they didn't stack my crates upside down....
  13. Lol nah. She just be my rainy day gurl.
  14. Allegedly... I'm going to pick up my crates tomorrow. Lol insert Kermit celebrating gif here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Lol around here we identify as violently violet!
  16. Me waiting for this 7... Lol
  17. Frackin brilliant. Should've done it YEARS ago.
  18. Unsaddle the horses. Your guess is as good as mine. Apparently the exam went well (bill to me to follow soon) but it's sitting at customs cause there's no carrier to take it back to the warehouse where we can go get it. Being told *maybe* next Monday Tuesday available for pickup. But that's a big guesstimate from my broker due to the glacial speed at which Govt moves AND Thanksgiving being RIGHT NOW. It is wild that as murky as this arduous process has been it is able to get even murkier as we (presumably) near the end. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. Lol well it came via a very reputable, long standing dealer in Caterham's authorized US dealer network and I've been in direct contact with the CEO. Here's hoping that qualifies as too legit to quit. I assume all the paperwork was done and dusted. That's the expertise one buys with an experienced, authorized importer, yes? I am back to thinking I'll get my '22 Caterham actually on the road in '23... #NewOldCar. This first time ordering a brand new car has def been (clears throat) an experience...
  20. Lol ShUt aLL tHe WaY Up Hahaha
  21. Do you think they do anything differently on a CSR chassis import? I shouldn't think I'd have too many parts bags floating about in the crate? Drivetrain crate will have a few bags, yes?
  22. Well... The saga continues: The container with my crates in it has been selected for a CET exam... Whatever that is. I googled for you all. And for my own bewildered amusement I guess. You cannot make this up. (I mean *I* am not creative enough to make this up) Apparently the CET (Contraband Enforcement Team) is looking for drugs or bombs. Lol good luck fitting drugs in a 7. You couldn't smuggle 3 ibuprofen in that car. It is made out of sprite cans, zip ties and English elbow grease. Best part: I will pay between $500-$1000 for the exam AND any storage fees (which there def WILL be). Luckily Bruce is steering the ship so to speak and has assured me this is nothing over which to stretch my neck. It's times like these I really wish I drank though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. Insert pulling out hair gif lol
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