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Everything posted by UglyFast

  1. All this is incredibly helpful stuff. Really.
  2. Anxiously awaiting build update, haven't heard anything in two months...

  3. Brilliant stuff. Thanks
  4. @Austin David pics man PICS, for those who come after you.
  5. I tell myself I’m doing good cause I’m not actually on Facebook, but IG equals FB, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol. ZUCK, if you're listening, stop being so creepy dawg.
  6. How's this for creepy? I typed Fjallraven here and then a minute later flipped to IG...
  7. Lol I rock Fjallraven fleece lines pants for the win!
  8. I ordered a CSR. Comes with padded leather "touring" type seats. I optioned the heated carbon along with a bunch of other track-ish gear. Also going to get another set of seats, but need to wait and see my actual floors before I do. I'm in the bottom end of the Blue Ridge Mountains, so we get very cool mornings and evenings in fall. I figure between the footwell heater, transmission tunnel heat, heated seats and a good jacket I can mayyyybe have a full 3 season car. Lol, we'll see. Either way, I'ma be sideways on the Blue Ridge Parkway in summers!
  9. Lol I ordered heated seats. Now y'all tell me! Lololol
  10. Update and correcting a typo. My build slot has moved from week 27 of 2022... TO WEEK 8 of 2022! So in theory I'll have a Caterham hugging my buns sometime in Sumner of 2022, instead of getting it sorted just in time to pack away for winter 2022. I'm incredibly amped, and weirdly sounds like my car will be born/started on or very close to my birthday. See you guys in the twisties soon. J.
  11. Nice color choice!
  12. Brilliant lil machine. I lovessss that color.
  13. Hey @Road Ready. Not a 7 owner yet but have ordered and my build slot is week 17, 2022. I'm just over the state line (South) and am in Asheville A LOT. We'll be in touch. I'm busting waiting for this lil car. I'm thinking after drivetrain installation, registration and such we will be up and running say late summer 2021. Here's hoping, anyway. If you're on Instagram, I'm @UglyFast there as well.
  14. Cheers to that last sentence, as that's all that really matters...
  15. @birkinsuper7 I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING! (Internet joke). But seriously a nice tale of what sounds like a good life and nice, winding mountain road rides. And honestly made me a bit weepy. My son (13) and I we're playing Forza on Xbox last night, something we haven't done in more than 2 years. We opened our "car library" from a few years ago. In it were two 7's we "built" and he remarked "daddy we should use Forza to figure out the paint job on OUR 7" and it struck me that mostly all I do nowadays is to try and seem cool to him in the hopes he'll both have and BE a bit of me after I'm gone. I guess I'm hoping to build memories of trips for both of us in this lil car like we have in my other crappy cars, and maybe one day it'll be him taking his kids out for ice cream in "granddad's race car" lol. Like I said, I'm not crying, you're crying. Must be excess blinker fluid leaking from my eyes. Either that, or I'm driving a 7 without me spectacles!
  16. Amen. Ayyyyymen lol! When I ordered, my wife LOLed and said "another selfish 2 seater car". I told the her my dog and I fit in it perfectly, who else do I need? She replied "your divorce attorney!" (She's a pretty quick wit!)
  17. Gavin, very, very cool lil 7. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but no way will 5 kids fit in a Caterham lol!
  18. Lol the only thing stock on my BMW is the block and the body. I'm close to CMP, but only a bit farther (and a straight shot) to Road Atlanta. Supercharged Exige sounds like a rocket lol. I'll find them (iF i EveR gET tHIs cAR lol). (I mean it's only been about a week but I'm clearly champing at the bit)
  19. Yeah Croc, a billion pics on IG. I love that car. I hate to even say it out loud but I think I'm gonna sell it. I never tracked it (as planned) and I feel guilty as I walk past it and choose to run about in the 40, EVERY SINGLE TIME. I know y'all know what I mean when I say I feel guilty cause the car wants to be driven... But me, the kid, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, my dog all prefer the crusty Land Cruiser lol. Volume up for that video, unless you're in church. Then it's volume WAY UP! FullSizeRender.mov
  20. Hi John. It *was* a 32/38. It's *now* a 38/38. World of difference in the mid range, lil extra oopmh on take off. Build thread coming up. Just need my fancy drop shipment British box(es) of car! My stupid BMW and stupider Land Cruiser are known as @uglybmw and @uglytoyota, respectively.
  21. Hey y'all. J here. Just ordered a '22 420R SV via Bruce@BeachmanRacing. Very good experience so far. Bruce knows his stuff. I should be bombing around some mountain curves by late spring 2022. Catch me if you can lol. Prolly gonna IG/Twitter this thing @uglyfast, of that's a thing y'all care about. We shall see. Very, very amped to finally get a 7. Should have done it a decade ago. Truly. Also kinda seeking a nice FJ60 or 62. Need a family hauler with some flavor. At any rate, nice to "meet" y'all all, and I look forward to learning everything I can here and inn the real world from y'all rascals. I'm in the Upstate of South Carolina, just across the state line from Asheville, NC. Come on down. Plenty mountain roads for us all. The garage is currently stuffed with the following: • 1976 BMW 2002 racecar rustomod (badass, unique thing, mayyyybe for sale soon) • 1977 Toyota Land Cruiser on Durty5's with a 1974 1F motor with bad bearings (patiently waiting on a Mosley Motors HiPo 4.4) • 2006 MINI Cooper S convertible (quick lil thing, for sale soon) • 2008 Toyota FJ Cruiser on Durty5's • Brand New big Honda Something Something SUV (wifes car, fancy, practical, boring zzzzzzz, sorry I fell asleep on the gluten free leather seats) I also mess around with drones and kayaks. This makes me sound like a pretty one dimensional guy only interested in internet-Car-ing, but I know I have other, real world hobbies, just can't think of them now. I promise I'm a full fledged, witty, interesting, well rounded person. Just ask my Mom! J.
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