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Everything posted by UglyFast

  1. Part 4: New pic from the factory, showing a lil more progression of my car. Needless to say (again), I am amped.
  2. Maybe I should start calling it Purple Porsche Eater... 😈😜✌️
  3. Maybe I should start calling it Purple Porsche Eater... 😈😜✌️
  4. That's okay, bring the 289, we'll call it a Ford-ham takeover! Lots of us running Ford powerplants anyways. Let's do it.
  5. They're probably using extra duct tape and Velcro!
  6. Lol I hope so, cause they're sticking it all together at the factory (except the motor and transmission)! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. AWESOME checklist! Thanks so much. Love cars and coffee. Once I have keys in hand we'll round up the others and do a "7 takeover" lol.
  8. Bill don't you dare teach my wife math! Lololol Jk she's all good. Long and storied history of her happily tolerating my silly, selfish cars. I'll def be in touch. I'm planning a very thorough but fastidiously quick install of the motor and transmission as soon as I have it all. At a super secret location and with the help of two incredible builders buddies of mine. I'm amped! Might tap you on a direct message one day soon regarding registration/DMV/insurance stuff specific to our state. 👍👍✌️
  9. Also, if anyone talks to my wife, the difference in total price was "only about $200". Please and thank you. Lol
  10. Part 2: Just today Bruce was at the factory in Jolly Old England and he sent me a few pics of the progress. Cannot wait to get my crate and get my hands on her. 🤪😜🥰😍😘😈
  11. Here goes my “build” thread. Part 1: A long time ago in a galaxy… Wait, just last June I guess. Called up Bruce of Beachman Racing fame (infamy?). Finally decided I’d pull the trigger and order a 420R kit and *if* it showed up in my lifetime I’d stick it all together eventually (with the help of a few racecar buds). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Specced my options, ran them by Bruce for (amazing) input. Wired a deposit to secure my build (week 27, 2022). Eventually a chance to buy a factory built CSR presented itself. Price rose substantially, waiting time shrank substantially (week 8, 2022). For me this was a no-brainer as it meant likely getting a car in time to drive it this summer rather than getting a kit just in time to build a car and pack it away til summer 2023. Last week I got a few pics (from a source of a source) as my car emerged from paint. Here she is just before heading to “Second Stage Production”. 🤩😜😍😈 Part 2 to follow...
  12. Yep. What @Vovchandr said. How badly and how quickly do your want it? Looked at a decent 70's 911 the other day. Decent until I tabulated that it needed $40k to get on the road...
  13. Yes seems high to me as well. But... for about $65k (all in) you can get a brand new kit that doesn't run (yet), AND it'll take you about a year and a half... to get to your garage. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Not being snarky, at all, just pointing out the intricacies of NEW KIT CKD Caterham market at the moment.) My qualifications to remark on the market: I've been waiting almost a year, happily. And the car I've specced will come in well above $65k... But if my wife asks it's just $1,200, plus shipping. Lol.
  14. Yes seems high to me as well. But... for about $65k (all in) you can get a brand new kit that doesn't run (yet), AND it'll take you about a year and a half... to get to your garage. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Not being snarky, at all, just pointing out the intricacies of NEW KIT CKD Caterham market at the moment.) My qualifications to remark on the market: I've been waiting almost a year, happily. And the car I've specced will come in well above $65k... But if my wife asks it's just $1,200, plus shipping. Lol.
  15. Thanks Croc. Will reach out for info once I have my car. Bruce has been shepherding me thru the process and has been great at every step. I'm very excited to join the ranks of 7 owners.
  16. Any updated thoughts on HPDE for SC? Just curious. Still waiting on my 7. Thanks
  17. Hey all. J here. (IG @UglyFast) I should be couple months away from there driver's seat of my 7, depending on ship times and WW3, etc. Bruce (Beachman Racing) tells me it's underway at the factory. Been a long wait, and he's been great. Just sorta seeing who's out there in SC Upstate or even WNC/Asheville. Reach out if you'd like. Have a couple other interesting machines, if you like crusty Land Cruisers lol. Currently having a 77 FJ40 nursed back to life with a new Cummins turbo diesel. In theory she'll then be the slowest most fun car I've ever had. (IG @UglyToyota) Anyways, interested in grabbing coffee/tacos/wrenches and meeting 7-minded people near or near-ish here. Thanks.
  18. Brilliant lil car. Just read this whole thread. Bruce is neck deep in three back and forth with the factory with my 7 at the moment. Hoping to be flying sideways in the Blue Ridge Mountains by late summer!
  19. Lol one 7'er joined. Anyone else have any interest? Be nice to get more than 2 in the league.
  20. Adding it to the queue. Thanks @panamericano
  21. Work for the govt. IYKYK. Wink wink.
  22. Hi all. Somehow posted mistakenly in religion... Anyway. I started a fantasy league. Feel free to send this link to any 7 owners (or people like me currently waiting on their 7's). No money involved, the prize is just the bragging rights. Here's hoping to see y'all there. It's lights out and we're away! https://gridrival.app.link/PtddDf6yoob
  23. Thanks. Yep all me. Flying in sport mode so I can*kinda* keep up with the vehicles as they accelerate out of tight corners. Wonder why the uploaded lil video didn't load? Mavic 3 and day time videos had a ND8 filter on the lens. Just for the bright blue sky.
  24. Not 7 related at all, but I did time control this weekend at Sandblast Rally in Cheraw, SC. Was an incredible time. Currently looking for an old Subaru! (Lol the missus gonna realllllllly kill me soon). At any rate, if y'all wanna see the highlights, here you go, ignore the awful soundtrack. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CayvKwfFXg1/?utm_medium=copy_link @UglyFast on IG and such. FullSizeRender.MOV
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