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Everything posted by wallisek

  1. I've been out of town but I did set the new PPU code, I found a reference image over on the Lotus 7 club forum. Mine was off by a couple thousand, input "039266" according to the chart for my tires (195/50/15). I'll be taking it out for a spin this weekend to verify/adjust.
  2. Thanks guys for the info. I'll try the procedure later tonight.
  3. Anyone know if it's possible to calibrate/adjust the speedometer on my 420? It's reading slow enough it's triggering my OCD and starting to make me slightly nuts. At 60 MPH my actual speed is 53 MPH, I verified via radar and my Garmin GPS. Running the stock tire/wheel combo it shipped with. Thoughts/ideas besides putting even smaller tires on it?
  4. This is a very well put together kit and definitely worth the price! I installed mine a few weekends back and they look great. Plenty of zip ties and sticky cable mounts provided. The install was extremely simple, basically plug & play. It took more time to remove the floor of my boot than it did to actually install the lights. Thanks again Dave & Nic. Well done.
  5. I managed to make it last year in August, there were a fews 7s which was nice to see. Not sure if I'll make it this year due to work and family but I'll sure try.
  6. Looks like Burton Power has them in stock for both EGR and non-EGR flavors. https://www.burtonpower.com/cometic-exhaust-manifold-gasket-without-egr-ford-duratec-he-i4-fd705-egr.html
  7. I'm willing to buy both sets or just one, not sure if you want to split them up. I only need one set and don't want to "hoard" both in case someone needs a set. Ewan
  8. A few routing pictures as promised, hope that helps.
  9. Don't feel bad, those dry sump lines also proved to be a pain during my 420 build. I'll take some pics first thing in the morning.
  10. Congrats on finishing the build. I'm almost done with my 420R build, looks like we ran into some similar issues. Lots of guessing and the instruction manual seems to be very generic at times. My biggest issue has been missing parts, fasteners included. I'm currently stalled as I'm awaiting spacer cones for my race dampers.
  11. Sale pending. Edit: Sold.
  12. Switching out my carbon composite S3 heated race seats for leather. These are brand new, never installed. Part numbers listed below, current exchange rate works out to about $3400 USD with everything included. Seats, runners, wiring, sub-loom, hardware packs, etc.. Looking to get $2500, I pay shipping anywhere inside the US. If you live near the PNW, I'd be willing to deliver or meet halfway if you are in a bordering state. Located near the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Carbon composite, heated LH 3FV315A Carbon composite, heated RH 3FV316A Sub loom, heated seats 300L0016A Seat runner, spacer (pair) 300P0065A Seat runner, adjustable (pair) 3FV180A
  13. I'm looking forward to putting it together! I've tried scratching my speed itch with my motorcycle but the weather hasn't been cooperating.
  14. I have another member taking good care of me, will have a nice set of clamshells coming my way soon. Thank you for the offer though, greatly appreciate though! Love this forum. Ewan
  15. I'm having a real tough time trying to source a pair of clamshell style fenders. I'm aware of Curtis Unlimited, I've not been able to reach them. Used fenders would be fine as well. Ewan
  16. As a show standing on "itself" I'd give it a C. As far as being a remake of the original it was utter garbage. I thought acting was good, detailed sets, and was definately THE VILLAGE. Credit deserved there. The problem I thought was the storyline. Junk junk junk. Anyone else notice the old man was wearing the same black/white border suit McGoohan wore? He also could have passed for an old version of No 6. When the new Six found the old man's sketch of Big Ben it irked me a bit. Kind of an insult to McGoohan if you ask me, implying No. 6 never escaped. /thumbsdown
  17. http://blogs.amctv.com/the-prisoner-cars-photos/ caption says "Six's NYC car". You have got to be kidding me. A Subaru? A SUBARU? What in the hell are these producers thinking? No 6 has to drive a 7. I don't care if it isn't the traditional BRG / Yellow nose combo, even a flat black with cycle fenders would be nice. I suspect this will be another one of Hollywood's fine examples of how to screw up a great classic. A Subaru........I want to cry.
  18. You might be able to get the seven registered as a special interest vehicle (I'm not DMV so I wouldn't know, I just know the enforcement part :lol: ) but then you are restricted by ORS 805.030. Basically you can only operate the vehicle for parades, events, club activities, etc...There is also a provision for a racing activity vehicle which is kinda neat because you can drive without registration up to 90 miles to/from an event and 30 miles to/from your house for testing/tuning purposes. 805.030 Violation of registration limits on antique or special interest vehicle; penalty. (1) A person commits the offense of violation of registration limits on antique vehicle or vehicle of special interest if a vehicle is permanently registered under ORS 805.010 or 805.020 and the person uses the vehicle: (a) Other than for exhibitions, parades, club activities and similar uses; or (b) Primarily for the transportation of persons or property. (2) The offense described in this section, violation of registration limits on antique vehicle or vehicle of special interest, is a Class D traffic violation. [1983 c.338 §240]
  19. Regardless which you choose it's still up to the judge.I always thought "no contest" was kinda silly because it's like admitting guilt without saying the words "i'm guilty". Instead of paying the fine, you can always show up in court and ask the judge to reduce the fine. Never hurts to ask, just be polite about it. I saw reductions quite a lot in my municipal court, the judge was usually nice about reducing fines. That of course depends on your judge too. There is always the chance of the officer not being able to attend court and in that case you win by default. I've missed court a few times do to conflicts or last minute calls. I'm sure that made the defendant happy.
  20. Speed traps don't always exist though depending on your county / city. An example was one department I was with, there was no such thing as a "speed trap" and there was no such thing a quota. The city did not dictate how many traffic stops and citations each officer did each month. If there was, I probably would come in dead last. Lots of traffic stops, very few citations. Many of us were very "lax" on speed citations. You usually had to be grossly over the speed limit or driving like an idiot to receive that yellow copy. As for the bad drivers, yes they are everywhere unfortunately. Been to around 2/3 of the individual States and IMHO Oregon drivers are the worst. And yes there are some cops that are real jerks (in the sense they give zero warnings and write everyone a ticket). Of course that is my opinion and whether or not they issue a citation is at their discretion.
  21. I know exactly where that is it. Popular spot for radar/lidar since lots of people don't watch their speed coming down the hill. I'm guilty of that too, was through that area yesterday and hit 70 before realized I was going too fast :-)
  22. Thought I would pipe-in since I come from a law enforcement background in Oregon. If it was my knees you were looking at DB6, if it makes you feel better I wouldn't have given you a citation. Not every day you get to see a 7 on the road. If I did see one on patrol I'd find any reason I could to pull it over. All I can say is some cops are really lenient about traffic violations (me, way too nice ) and some are real sticklers.
  23. Easy way to check for a drain on your battery is disconnect your neg battery cable. Place your meter between the neg post of the battery and your neg battery cable. If you pick up any sort of drain on the meter, start unplugging fuses/wires/connections one by one. My understanding is anything more than 1/10th of an amp (0.10) is usually too much and a drain.
  24. For those of you looking for Weber carb parts, check out http://www.carburetion.com/Weber/weber.htm. I've ordered from them before, quick shipping and good service. Cheapest prices I've seen so far for Weber carbs too. They have jets, tubes, venturis, etc...just FYI
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